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Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Monday, July 19, 2010 @ 11:42 AM
Parties and Beautiful Bruises
do you guys not appreciate the change in blog title? usually it's just a complaint in how long i haven't posted or something complete random, so you guys must cherish this artistic blog title while you still can :P i think i'm a genius.
but the blog title is very indicative as in my holidays (minus the work bit which comprises 90%) was basically parties and (beautiful) bruises. whicih all happened last week of course. today, again, i am cooped up at home typing away on my laptop on top of my economics textbook and intending to rip my HSC past papers any second. but i like saving paper so i wont rip them up in case i have to print them again. what i mean to say is, i went to Erin's birthday party, Jens homecoming party and also a sleepover at her house.
and last friday i went paintballing for the very first time.
now i shall start at the beggining before trying to recount in real time ( which is imppssible because that woudl take 48 hours.)
Tuesday last week we went to the city, to celebrate Erin's birthday because it was her exact day ( and me and daniel's at th eback. it's ok. we're 16 she's 17 so she gets priority. it's one benefit of being old :P) we walked to the botanic gardens, taking up miho's fantastic offer of a change form what we usually do at the city ( which is like a ritual of galaxy world, underground arcade, k and japanese lunch) however what we did in the whoel day was basically just that ritual, minus galaxy world and + botanical gardens.
we walked and walked and we ate and ate. or at least i enjoyed the eatin gand walking bit. the plants were interesting. we saw many Belzy's. as in a lot of fruit bats
HAHAHAHAHAHAH. and a lot of Erin's though i forget what it was that was an erin...
moving on we all walked in a congo line around the Wishing Tree. it was a fig of some sort but it was definitely a memorable past time because it really did emphasise our 'Group Love' as miho likes to call it. i reckon it was just being retardedbut hey :D thats' still a form of relationship is it not?
we wen tto Mizuya fo rlunch after miho made a booking for like 14 people. we boiled inthat room for 2 hours. i mean why would it not be hot? 14 sweating hormone raging and alpha and beta emitting teenagers (sorry daniel, what i mean is not chemistryical correct. it is an EXPRESSION.) in one room. you can expect some sort of heat going on. not to mention we were all pigging out. especially me :D
K was fun though i reckon ( if i mrb correclty last time, mizuya had mv's) MIzuya sucked wihtout proper Mvs. i hate watching random white ppl dancing to alejandro when the actual mv is tres interesting. and JIZZTASTIC. i'm kidding. jizztastic is only suitable as a word for Joseph Zhang. no one else is as 'jizztastic' as that noob.
after that chapter we all filed back to ERin's house for her party :D we had cake and pizza and we played a wide array (2) of games such as (wth) charades whiich i must mention that we coudl talk and spin the bottle truth and dare. not to mention there were three random carlo guys there too whom i suppose felt a bit awkward to be there seeing as we were poking into their lives and we just met them since in 2hours. omoshiroi desu ne~
however it was fun nonetheless but the fun did not stop there. after that i movd on to jen's house
:D not to meniton is a MASSIVEEEE because it's a cube and as me and lenny deduced, a cube as the maximum value of volume ( i think )
thye made me watch bruno (ugh) which was not that interesting in my opinion and fyi i DID NOT WATCH THE SPINNING SHIZZ, i am much more composed. and hten
D: they wouldnt' let me sleep! so they kept me up! and when they decidd to sleep, THEY GO TTO SLEEP BEFOR EI DID. MEANING I WAS LAST TO SLEEP. so i sat looking at the ceiking think. why does life do this to me.
bu ti did sleep by 330.
the next day was Jen's party :D it was jizztastic! we watched euro trip whch was a lot mor enjoyable than bruno and we played wii
sadly i walked home by the time it was 2 due to my pleading cries from my needy girlfriend. i must go home and do her.
now i have wastd a lot of time typing up this post but i still have paintball to talk about, which i shall i promise, save until next time because AGAIN
my needy girlfriend is giving the booty call. gosh she's so da sexxay.

not. but she's very high maintenance.
have a nice last day holiday guys! :D back to school soon.
booo =(

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