Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Thursday, April 26, 2012 @ 2:19 PM
Well, So... :)


it sounds very weird but i did, kind of. But you'll never guess what happened and who it is. (hence this blogpost) now for all you nosey friends who want to know, i'll tel you about it here. IT's a pretty enjoyable story.

So My aunt and uncle came over from hk for the first time in ages and for anzac day we decided to have like an epic family day out which ended in a dinner banquet fo rmy grandpa's 80th birthday. We went to eastwood to take like a giant family photo (which kind of failed) and then we wet to manly north head to go look at the nice views and have like a little nature walk. SO after all that at about 3, we decided to go to Warringah Mall and get a coffee. We drove to Warringah Mall and went to the food court and got coffee lol. Then my aunt saw cotton on and the colourful skinnys and she says :O THEY'RE SO PRETTY ZOMG HK DOESN'T HAVE ANY! So then i suggested to go to JayJays to see the colours there and check out the prices too cos at Cotton on they were 40 each. So we go to JayJays and it's a special sale where you buy 2 pairs of jeans for 30 each. My aunt really liked the jeans so she suggested that i buy one too. Considering i really liked this pair of dark red jeans i decided YEAH OKAY :D so we both bought a pair of jeans (though 30 isn't exaclty that cheap, i was in a good mood). So we walk out of the shop with 2 pairs of new jeans. As i walk out, i see this table with this HUGE pile of t shirts and it says 2 FOR 10 guys t shirts and i'm like :O SO CHEAPPPP! GOTTA GO LOOK FOR MY BRO.

So we go back into Jay Jays and i start sifting through the pile of shirts and finding the ones i thought my bro would like and then my aunt joins in as well. After a while of sifting,2 white guys come up and start looking through the pile and tbh i didn't really notice them joining in but one of them moved next to me and said, Well this is a very very large pile of shirts. I didn't really know who he was talking to since his friend wasn't really around and my aunt was on the other side so then replied him something pretty generic. Oh yeah, it's all because we're digging underneath and shoving everythign on top (and that was exactly what i was doing considering the sizes were all like XL and XXXS on the top and my bro is like an M.) At this point i still hadn't really looked at it, it was really only out of my peripheral vision that i answered. From my view he was just pretty tall. Then he said, oh i should've brought my shovel. At this point, this is actually quite a lame joke but i laughed anyway and so did he. Still, I hadn't properly looked at him. Then he asked me, So are you going to where these? (indicating the guy T shirts) and i said, no no, it's for my brother. He doens't really know how to coordinate his clothes so i do it for him (which is half true, i do buy him clothes but i don't choose his outfit every day) and he laughs again. I pick up an assassin's creed shirt and i tell him that my brother really likes assassin's creed. Then he looks at it skeptically and asks me whethe rmy brother really WOULD wear that. I tell him that it's possble cos he's such a geek. He asks me how old my brother is and i tell him 15. Then I ask him, So are you going to wear these? He says yeah I am. I'm looking for somethign with Chinese words. Here i was a little shocked because i thought... CHinese words?! BUT YOUR'E WHITE. So i ask him, ooh do you like chinese words? (i'm sure he was well aware that i was asian) and he says yeah i'm studying chinese. AND AT THIS POINT I LOOK AT HIM IN THE FACE AND I SAY REALLY?! YOU STUDY CHINESE?! THAT'S AMAZING!and he laughs (i'm sure he gets this a lot) and i ask him, where do you study? He says Macquarie.

You've got to understand that at this point i'm gobsmacked about a fair few things.
1. this random white guy from manly just started conversation from me.
2. he was white and he made conversation with me in MANLY where there are like 0 asians and they dont' really appreciate asians either.. cos they're racist.
4. HE WAS GOOD LOOKING. Did i mention he was good looking?! no of course i didn't, because up until that point, i didn't relaly look at him. He's not drop dead hot, but he's got this really sweet and nice looking face that's really handsome when he smiles. He's blonde and he's got nice eyes :D oh my oh my
5. HE WAS TALL. Did i ever tell you how i really like tall guys? And he was handsome? and blonde with nice (blue?) eyes? 6. HE STUDIES CHINESE.

okay, the list gets a little repetitive but i must continue the story.

So i find out that he studies chinese at macquarie and here i'm like :O THAT'S SO COOL MAN. this whole time, my aunt ( who understand english perfectly cos she studied in canada) was kind of sniggering with her face down and then holds up a bender t shirt and says Oh it's a Medium! and i say GREAT! my bro likes bender so i collect the T shirt from her and together with a domokun t shirt i found for him too i decide to go pay for them. So i turn to this guy and i say, good luck with your chinese and i move off to go pay. At this point I'm not exactly like :O ZOMG HE'S ATTRACTIVE. But rather that i had a random but pleasant conversation with a nice handsome boy in manly. I finish paying and i move out of the JayJays without another glance at him (OH REGRET.) After we move off my Aunt (whose about 40 something) starts gabbing like an 18 year old girl about how he was really good looking and how she couldn't believe ididn't get a number or a name or an email or a facebook account. she kept on trying to curb me back to go into the store to 'choose more t shirts'. My aunt you see is a drama fanatic and i think here she must've mistaken me as one of those unfortunate (YET SO FORTUNEATE!) girls in dramas who meets random guys and everything goes right and that she hasn't had this sort of teenage excitement for about 20 years. At this time, I myself really wanted to go back and get him number and his email and his facebook and his name most importantly but i resisted because i thought that was really really awkward... (derp) So then we walk back to the rest of my family who were just walking around and my aunt scuttles off to my mum and retells THE ENTIRE STORY TO MY MOTHER. she said WHEN WE WERE PAYING THE BOY TURNED AROUND AND LOOKED AT US. YOU DIDN'T SEE HIM AND ICAN'T BELIEVE YOU DIDNT' SAY BYE WHEN WE WALKED OUT HOW COULD YOU... My mother being also a drama fanatic got all excited about it and her inner teenage girl was like OMG OMG OMG OMG so then THEY BOTH TRIED TO DRAG ME BACK INTO THE STORE. LIKE WHAT, THESE TWO MIDDLE AGED WOMEN TRYING TO GET ME BACK INTO THE STORE.

5 minutes had probably already passed by now and i didn't think he was still there choosing t shirts. In the end, the actually managed to push me back into the store so all three of us awkwardly walked back up to the table and started pulling random t shirts and examining them. I WAS SO EMBARRASED. YOU DONT' UNDERSTAND I STOOD THERE LIKE I WAS STUPID. BUT THAT'S NOT THE WORST OF IT. MY AUNT starts talking to him again. and said YOU STUDY CHINESE RIGHT? THAT'S SO COOL OMG DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? ( says somethign like do you speak chinese? in mandarin) and he's like... *blank look* and he says (i don't know in mandarin) and he's got THIS REALLY HEAVY WHITE PERSON ACCENT. IT'S REALLY HEAVY. and then we all laugh and MY MUM SAYS, WHATS YOURE NAME. oh my god my mother did not just ask this nice handsome boy from manly his name. she did not. she did not. i was so embarrased. i was cringing from the embarrassment. the poor boy must have been absolutely terrified. oh poor boy. i msut have looked ridiculous.

the funny thing was, he replied.

i'm going to censor his name guys so you don't go stalking him but i'm just goign to name him Handsome (hah i'm so creative) but for you information, his name isn't ACTUALLY handsome and he didn't give me a surname either. He also continues and says oh i have a chinese name too. it's *** ( i dont' actually know what he said) and because none of us understood him cos of his heavy accent he's like... it means handsome. and we're lik OOOOOHHHHH RIIIIIIIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTT HAHAHAHAHHA cos then he laughed too as he told us it was just a joke. ( oh, was it really?)

So after that bit of information my mother starts going on about how i got to USYD. =___= oh my mum. i'm so ashamed. He seems interested in the fact that i've learnt japanese before so he says, ooh soudesu ka? namae wa nan desuka? and i'm liek O__O OH POOPS I HAVEN'T PRACTICED MY JAPANESE IN LIKE YONKS SINCE THE HSC BUT THANKFULLY 6 YEARS DOES REALLY HELP AND I SAY. namae wa sutefuni- desu. then he says, hajimemashite. and i say, douzo yoroshiku. here, he had an EPIC WHITE PEOPLE ACCENT and it was pretty funny (and cute) so then my aunt says DO YOU KNOW KOREAN? and he says, oh yeah a little and he says anhyahaesaeyo. and kahamsamida. and those area really the only words i know too but still i was thoroughly impressed with his asian communication skills. HE WAS WHITE. FROM MANLY AND HE STUDIES CHINESE, SPEAKS A LITTLE BIT OF JAPANESE AND KNOWS SOME KOREAN. THAT'S BETTER THAN WHAT MY BRO CAN DO AND HE'S CHINESE.

so then my aunt (OH MY AWKWARD AUNT) says OH YOU TWO GET ALONG SO WELL YOU SHOULD EXCHANGE PHONE NUMBERS. and that was the bomb. I sizzled in embarrassment and looked down and i think he thought that was just a TAD TOO FAR. at least for an aunt or a mother to ask. after like 2 seconds of awkward silence i tried to break it and like HAHHA NO YOU DON'T HAVE TO, SHE WAS JUST JOKING. (though on the inside, i wish he did...)

 yeah after that awkward exchange, i dont think i'll ever face him every again with dignity. we left after that and i didn't know what to feel. I still felt like i wanted to just stick my head in the sand forever but at the same time disappointed because after so much effort i knew nothing more than his first name and the fact that he went to macquarie. And his face of course.

So after my mum and my aunt kep tof discussing him, ( my mum thought he was handsome too) they were like giggling like 5 year olds and retold the entire story to the rest of my family. which included my father, my grandparents my two uncles and another aunt. my bro was watching a movie but... well. that was a very interesting experience.

I couldn't stop thinking about him. The exchange was so awkward, i felt ashamed yet before my aunt or my mum interrupted, we had a perfectly good and normal and pleasant conversation. I was chuffed that he talked to me out of his own accord just so randomly out of the blue. maybe i'm just feeling happy for no reason when maybe he meant it just as an ACTUALLY polite and random gesture. maybe he talks to random girls on the street all thetime but still, i felt chuffed. no body talks to me at uni (randomly anyway. no white guys do.) not to mention he's from manly. i asked him before whether he thought gong to macquarie every day would be far form manly and he laughed and said not really. so from implication, i guess he does live near manly ( WHICH MEANS HE MUST BE WELL OFF ;) ) Maybe it's my lack of interaction with white guys that made me feel it was such a big deal. but when i came back home at like 11 at night, and as sleepy as i was, i still dragged myself on facebook. i knew his first name and his uni and i wanted to find him on facebook. after speling his name two different ways, i......
can you believe it?
ACTUALLY FOUND HIM. I ACTUALLY FOUND HIM ON FACEBOOK. I NOW KNOW HIS LAST NAME AND I CAN SEE A FEW PICTURES OF HIM AND FACEBOOK IS MY NEW SAVIOUR. Sadly, i did not add him because in hindsight, that's just too awkward. for a number of reasons. i mean, if you were him, wouldn't you be so TERRIFIED that these three random asian women just came up and started bombarding you with questions? he probaly never wants to see me again cos i made such a terrible impression. he probably just laughed the whole incident off and he doesn't remember it as clearly as i do. It was probably somethign he did to a lot of girls just randomly in Jay Jays and i was just another one of them who overreacted. For these reasons, and the fact that id ont think he remembers me anyway, i didn't add him. I really want to, but i can't brin gmyself to do it because.... it is just too awkward. toooo awkwarrrrddddd.

Before i left him though he complimented me. he said he liked my little scarf thing. he said it was very asian style fashion. ( this guy, i can't believe he exists) I would really like to meet this guy because it's just so rare and he was really nice ( despite how strong my aunt and my mum were coming on...) though i don't know how to start to apologize if i do see him. All he knows about me is also my first name and my uni but i bet he didn't make the effort to search through facebook to find me.

so it was all just like a dream to me. Something i think i should laugh at and smile back at because it was just so interesting but DAMN. the USYD guys just talk to white chicks ( or at least the white washed asian chicks), all asian ones ( myself included because i know i look more fob than white) are international students to them and who wants to talk to an international student who doens't even know english?

DAMN. i keep looking back and regretting things i didn't do like WHY DID I LEAVE TO PAY FOR THE T SHIRTS? WHY DIDN'T I JUST KEEP STANDING THERE AND TALKING TO HIM? i wonder what would've happened if i told him i'd help him look for chinese word t shirts. what would've happened.. so after we left we went to SES where a few of us went inside and the rest of us were outside. Thought that i would never see him again but apprently, as i was inside the store, him and his friend walked past and my mum saw him (thank god but he didn't see her) and was like :O HE WALKED PAST AGAIN and raced in to get me and my dad to see him. but by the time i got out and saw him, I only got to see his back ( he was wearing a red checked shirt and a backpack) and his tall form and i think, that'll be the last time i'll ever see this wonderful miracle and handsome white guy who likes asian culture and studies chinese.

ANZAC day 2012 sure was interesting. How was your ANZAC day? i bet it wasn't as exciting as mine. :( i can only stalk him on facebook now, sigh.

 (Y) sorry if i sounded like erin and erin, HE'S MINE :D (even though he isn't, exactly) i bet you're fangirling for him too now HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA well too bad. Hope you nosey girls and boys enjoyed that post :P
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