Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
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Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Sunday, April 25, 2010 @ 10:57 AM
one month later.
it has indeed been nearly another month since i last posted. And in this month, a lot has indeed taken place. For me to summarise a month in one blogpost is somewhat impossible but i shall try and amuse you. ALthough my memory fails me as to the last details and the funny moments of teh last month, i still have a whole of Japan to rant about :P :P
It starts off with a frantic mess of books. Deserate tries to cram and also a mind full of OMGD STUDY STUDY STUDY STUDY STUDY BITCH STUDY.
the thought of failure is just appalling especially in a school such as Baulko
It's just too bad that Failure just keeps coming round, passing me visits and essentially teasing me in the face T____T
i think i'll skip most of how the exams went *AHEMNOAHEM* because i think thres more than enough posts in the blog about FAILURE IN EXAMS. and i need not add a few more rant posts on how bad it is. because it's
Alternatively i shall skip to the euphoria that overwhelmed me the minute my Jap exam finished, my last exam that is, and the thought of spending the next two weeks in Japan with my friends. FANTASTIC. i knew it would've been great before it even started. I cram packed in one day
and luckily didn't forget anythign despite i packed teh day before:P
In Japan, it's okay to be weird. i really belong there. but other than that
WE DIDN'T GET ENOUGH TIME TO SHOP and as i told that to Brendan he said, is that all you girls do? shop?! the answer is INCORRECT in fact, we did do a lot of sightseeing and although i do admit that i much prefer shopping over sightseeing, it's still amust in Japan.
the many billion temples and shrines , we probably only managed to see a millionth of it. Still, amazing as it is, after a few they all kinda just mold into one.. all the same.
but i love the charms they sell D: i bought a study charm BECAUSE I'M IN DESPERATE NEED OF A THOUSAND OF THEM sadly however i'm not rich enough to buy athousand.
am i boring you yet?
the best thing abotu Japan in my opinion would definitely be the FOOD. you can get dinner for 2 bucks. a whole bowl of udon in Oosaka ( but not Tokyo) for 150yen. and last time i went, i ate like two bowls for dinner :D
i love Jap food, in fact from this you can probably deduce that I LOVE FOOD.
in short, Japan is like eating heaven for me and i eat absolutely anything/everything ( except taro ) and the cheapness of it all in Japan makes me even happier to stuff myself fat three times a day. not mentioning that we have a breakfast buffet everymorning in which i have to hold my stomach up afterward to go up the lift and back to the hotel room to try and breathe it off.
I guess it kinda balances out considering teh amoutn of walking we did. Though compared to last time it wasn't as much but still quite a lot. My feet definitely hurt after every day if it wasn't for Miho's Sarongpasses. if thats how you spell it. either way yes, i think i did gain weight as teh food did out do the excercise...
speaking of excercise I DID PLAY VOLLEYBALL IN JAPAN. WITH TEH COOLEST VBALLER I'VE EVER MET. This guy, although not handsome in the face knows how to play volleyball, and although i know many guys taht can.
This one definitely tops them all because he can DIG WITH HIS BUTT. and dont' look at me like i like every second guy that can hit a ball wiht his butt, but wha ti mean is he can CONTROLLABLY hit with his butt, shoulder, head and stomach successively. and after that he can samba dance after every point. meaning he can DANCE. but in that sense, he's just FUNN to play with. After every point he smashes ( man he can hit ) he does hit butt jiggle but not a jiggle in a bad way :P hahaha. but last of all HE'S JAP. which probably elevateshim that much more in my list of ALLTIME AWESOME VOLLEYBALLERS.
but the tragedy of it all in conjuction wiht my stupidity is THAT I FORGOT TO TAKE A PHOTO WIHT HIM/ ASK HIM FOR HIS NAME/ ASK FOR HIS EMAIL/ASK FOR HIS NUMBER. which
really sucks.
i think i'll make a mental note to ask my jap budy the guys name and email :D
and now that swings my post to my JAP BUDDY.
MY GOD HE'S SO CUTE HE'S ONLY 13 BUT WOULD YOU HIT THAT. kidding, but that doens't change that he's THE CUTEST OF HS GRADE ( yes that's right, i win girlies) but he has a striking resemblence of Chris Kew. D: but a much younger/baby faced/cuter version. AND HE TYPED ME AN EMAIL LIKE 2 HOURS AFTER WE PARTED
i am going to go back to Japan one day and find him and then see if he's still cute.
LOL. no i'm not a pedo sorry :P
but he was quite the awesome..... WHY HASN'T HE REPLIED MY EMAILL T____T
moving on however, looking back on the two weeks which i can't help bu tmention went by WAY TOO FAST FOR MY LIKING, it was over in a flash. not enough.
the claw machines in Japan. ADDICTIVE. a money eater but so VERY ENTERTAINING. :P you could say it's partly our fault we got a few of the year 10s hooked on those things. but i was hooked on them myself. My mum had teh sense to tell me not to spend money on it anymore but hey... THEY'RE ADDICTIVE... at least i stopped after a reasonable time.. the others just kept.... feeding more money and more money and in the end resulted in an armful of soft toys...
and then gave them away :D
too fast, two weeks is not enough. THe two weeks were definitely an experience and not just a holiday in Japan. it's like bonding time with your friends. Curfew at like 12 every night meanta hanging in the street and arcading however it did bring the 25 of us closer. Even with the year 10s, those retards :P
IN that sense it's awesome. staying up in each others rooms. playing 'i never'..
speaking of which WE PLAYED WITH WASABI, CURRY AND KIMUCHI FLAVOURED LAMUNE. if you dont' know what lamune is then it's just lemonade... with a marble in it :D
but anyway, THE KIMUCHI LAMUNE RUMOURED TO BE THE WORST, was tried by ev eryone but me :D coz i'm so pro i avoided it! it nearly made jen puke up.... well, for her it was probs teh wrost coz she hated kimuchi to start off with... then again she hates curry too.
Wasabi tasted like nothing D: Curry was.. strange :P :P
i win!
i mjust talk about Kelvin getting drunk. he wanted a peach drink so he bought the first one he saw and didn't realise it was 3% alcohol until he drank it. IT WAS WRITTEN IN ENGLISH THE NONG. but he was so alcohol intolerant he got drunk after the can finished :D WHATANOOOOB. not saying i'm alcohol tolerant, i'm not thats why i'm not stupid enough to buy an alcoholic drink wihtout knowing :P
kidding :P but yes, he went all high....
and red.
i do have photographic evidence but seeing as i'm a lazy bum i can'ta be bothered to post it D: I HAVE BLOGGED SO MUCH
but i shall stop there. and maybe blog about how i came back and was SO DISAPPOINTED BY MY EXAMS AND THERE MY DREAM ENDEDDDDD for now. i want to see wha ti want for lunch and then cook it ~

Cheeeeeeeeeeers ,
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