Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
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Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Friday, February 12, 2010 @ 9:09 PM
It does sound like a very unlikely title to a blog post but it's the best summary i suppose. And just to add in right now, it's pouring so hard. And i love the sound of it
I love the sound of pouring rain because it sounds nice. I love the smell too, it's very calming.
well you might think i'm weird, i only like it though when i'm not stuck in it XD, obviously.
oh, but now its' stopped =( boooo
well i was trying to learn to play guitar because i always thought guitar was the best instrument ever. It sounds nice and not screechy, it's portable (unlike my piano T__T) and i can sing to it (if ever.) It's also TEN BILLION MORE TIMES ROMANTIC THAN A VIOLIN (yes erin, that was just to spite you)
i really do want to learn to play guitar, because i acutally think that it is essential to at least play an insturment and even though i know how to play piano, id really want to know how to guitartoo. coz guitar is just so awesome ! :D
Just then, i found out that unlike piano, you only play the same thign over and over again in guitar but you sing different songs to it @____@
which i suppose makes it easy (?) well, i'm not to talk i'm so noob.

I GOT INTO SYDNEYWEST VOLLEYBALL YAY! call for celebration because i'm acutally happy i made it. But sadly i've had a very hard time deciding whether to go because it's such a bitch that it has to coincide with my eco half yearly and you all shoudl know how much i love my eco.
and i asked for it to be set the monday before i lealve BUT NOOOOOOOOOO IT'S ALL *someones* fault doing *geo* excursion THAT IT CAN'T BE ON MONDAY. THAT'S ONE PERSON. it's me AND jen that needs to do it that day or else we have to come back, study, then exam it.
JK;ADF;KJAFD;JKD;FKJADFJ =( STUPID GEOGRAPHY EXCURSION. now i can't play volleyball with a free mind coz i'll be ECONOMICING ON TEH INSIDE while i smash those sorry bums of some other hole in NSW. boooo.
well, at least it's multitasking but honestly, i hate studyign during holidays (or when i play vball)
because it's just not a holiday then.
ugh. Not to mention the sydneywest is at ARMIDALE
yeah you're asking, Where is that? well it's 7 hours drive away and i have to make my way there. SO HOW DO I?!!! well they have an airport there
we either a) carpool
b) hire a bus and a driver (?)
c) catch a plane (errrr.)
yeah, i'm screwed but i haev indeed decided to go, DESPITE my economic commitments,
oh i love Economics <3<3<3
but yeah, i dont think i'm letting this one slide even though it'll require probably twice the effort to study more and missing all those eco lessons.. not taht i learn much, i usually sleep wiht my eyes open :D

alrighty Bryan is that enough for you? i want to continue to learn my guitarr!!!
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