Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
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Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Thursday, January 28, 2010 @ 5:09 PM
First day of Senior School
So today was the first day of Year 11 and we really spent the whole day listening to teachers telling us how screwed we're going to be if we don't study. How different and how much more work senior school is going to be. Well, i guess one good point was that i didn't get my economics assessment back - as paix had broken her foot and had to 'duck out' - meaning that at least i didn't have to -immediately- start off my year with a complete and utter failure. Also, i also found out that being in first class maths means that you're basically pressured to do 4unit maths. Although my mum absolutely doubts my ability to do maths, i think i'll give it a go. Though i hope it doens't end in utter failure... like a lot of other things.
On Thursdays i have Quad English. Oh Crapola. man double enlgihs is bad enough but QUADRUPLE ENGLISH?! seriously, you've got to be kidding me , ughhh. And this only ever gives Maggie more to laugh at, those who bother doing 3 u eng and is online T___________T
At first i thought, man this year i'm so set for English. I have Cariaian and Mcnicol, what could go wrong?
BUT NOW IT'S NOT ALRIGHT, GOD CARIAIN ISN'T TEACHING ANYMORE and now i have this lil blondie teacher called ms Bowey. but really, i'm very depressed right now because now my english worries ARE BACK TO HAUNT ME. CARAIAAANNNN TT_____________TT
i'm not saying the new teacher is bad, but seeing as she hasn't taught before and is young , nothing compared to good'ol Cariaians experience. my confidence in her is nothing compared to Caraians. I'm very very very sad that i am also going to fail at English. and Bowey also said that she'll take us next year. oh deary deary
Oh whoopdidoo to 2010.
i can only ever sit back and work my butt off hoping that maybe the gods of failure will spare me this year. yes, but other than the soon to be bleak future revealed today, I guess it was pretty cool to see everyone again.
We have like 20 new people in our grade though i haven't met any of them yet =( which kinda sucks coz i want to meet them all :D
there aren't many in my classes and those that are, sits across the room =( i shall have to find new ways to communicate to these new people rofl.
I am now a proud senior pineapple/lemon girl (Y) i can't wait till tmrow where i get to show off to all the other juniors my beautiful and very fashionable bright yellow shirt and olive green skirt! yes, of course they will tower in my intimidation HAHAHAH.
I guess all i can say now is that, i'll try my very best this year, hope for the very best and probably enjoy my last year in somewhat-freedom.

More for later (:
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