Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Monday, January 25, 2010 @ 9:05 PM
BLOG while i still have the urge to.
While the title of this post seems to me like i have some kind of 'pleasure' in blogging, i don't. not that kind of 'pleasure' anyway. If anything, i am satisfied to just blurt out whatever's spitting out of my mouth(fingers) and as you can see from my past archives, sometimes i can go months without this urge so when i do get the urge i should take advantage of it and make productive use of it.
Hence why i am here now.
I decided i shall dedicate this post to my new dog (: BECAUSE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! and that he's the newest biggest thing in my life. not physcially big of course, just metaphorically big. See my dog is a Japanese Spitz and he is now 9 weeks old, he first moved in at 8 weeks. and even in that span of one week i believe that he has grown D: i must take pictures and lots and lots of them before he grows out of being puppy and he's a big boy and everything :D:D:D:D
HAHAHAHAHHA yes, i am an overobsessed mother and my parents did tell me treat him like a son. and i have (:
His name is Crunchie and i will post pics/vids later after i can be bothered to upload... and fyi he is acutally not named after a chocolate, he is acutally named after Crunchy wiht an ie coz both me and my bro's name ends in ie so we decided, to integrate him into our asian family we wanted to name him Crunchy wiht an ie too (: AND FOR THOSE PEOPLE OUT THERE *ahem* I DO APPRECIATE IT IF YOU DO NOT DISS HIS NAME.
He is the most adorable ball of fluff you will ever see and you will fall in love wiht him just like i have :D and erin has, and the people on teh street have because he's just that cute :D
man i should've named him Prince. but that'd be plain arrogance D:<
anyhow, apart from his outer appearance, he is acutally a very big bundle of trouble though he is adjusting well in this past week HES' SUPER SMART LIKE, I TAUGHT HIM HOW TO SIT :D:D:D
AND HE CAN LIE DOWN TOO! sometimes, that definitely needs more work. Because he's asian he's going to be a genius coz he's just cool like that (Y)
he bumped into my glass window/door :D but taht was once, he never did it again. He loves biting fingers, wrists, ankles, legs. but i think that might be a puppy habit and i do hope he grows out of it. He's super excited whenver he sees us after we leave him to go out for a while coz he loves us that much (:
Today i went out wiht him for a walk, and like all the previous walks i've been wiht him, he never walks out front. Contradictory to my first impressions that dogs walk in front, Crunchie always walked behind - trying to catch up - and beside me. however i assumed that he was just being a girl and was just too scared. Which turned otu to be true, BECAUSE TODAY WAS THE FIRST TIME HE WALKED IN FRONT OF ME from the end of the street to my house coz he FINALLY KNOWS HIS WAY HOME! I AM SO PROUD!
now i know how it feels when you're an actual mother and your child takes his/her first step
*tears of joy*
anyway, after that drama episode i am very proud to say that my dog is very intelligent ( more than i even thought ) and that after only one week, he is trained to pee/poo on newspapers indoors in enclosed spaces, and on grass outdoors.
though i am slightly bummed to always be the pooper scooper, that's part of the contract for owning a dog, but i'm not saying i regret it because i really don't.
he is my bundle of joy. Someone who will (hopefully) never leave me, always be there when i need him and doesn't walk out. like some other might.

All in all, i am super happy that i now own a dog :D after 15 years ( well slightly less) of wanting one and begging for one, i have done the impossible in the eyes of my parents because the dog was a deal (:
but of course that's confidential.
i shall post more about him because he's my baby.

Cheeries :D,
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