Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 @ 10:38 AM
although i am 13 days late for the new look, it's the thought that counts and i know what you're thinking. you're thinking, gee she's used it in the wrong context but really, i don't care if i have >____>
i should pick off where i left off lastt ime an di shall start wiht my trip to Tasmania. I left on 25th December and drove 9 hours down to melbourne
then it was quite the disaster becuase it was christmas day and no shops were open so we basically starved alll day. Then we took the "spirit of Tasmania" down to Tasmania (well whoopdidoo) and then we drove all around Tasmania, avging 3 hours a day. then we came back on the 2nd of January. as for NYE, i was on the Devonport habour watching fail fireworks (Y)
but fireworks all the same, they were pretty sad and small but hey, it's NYE.
My overview on the trip to Tasmania is , in terms of civilisation it is a hole.
besides Hobart and a select few other towns but otherwise, there wasn't much food. Seeing Macdonalds waslike OMGAH. MACCAS KYAHH!
And it was also the first time i ever ate Chinese Takeaway :D yeah, believe it or not i've never eaten it before doubting it's taste and i was half right. it was.... maaaamaaa but better than i anticipated.
moving on from food, apart from food - THOUGH I MUST MENTION there are foods in Tasmania that are AWESOMELY DELICIOUSSSS LIKE YUM ~! like CHERRIES, they're acutally HEART SHAPED! really nice dark red heart shapes SWEET MASSIVE CHERRIES!
ahahahhaha i'll pop your cherry ;)

no i'm kidding (:
also, TASSY HAS GOOD JAM! probably due to the good cherries, raspberries, strawberries... everything. we bought a kilo-two kilos of cherries everyday :D all YUMMY and cheaper (than supermarkets)
okay, now really moving on from food, the rest of Tasmania is definitely worth it. My family doesn't mind long car trips seeing as my dad loves driving. The moutainous landscapes were defienitely a thumbs up. Being there kind of felt like New Zealand except hotter ><
my Dad loves photos so i think he felt likehe was in heaven what wiht all the beautiful backgrounds and all. Going there felt like Duke of Ed alll over again :D coz again my dad loves bush walking so yeah. we hiked it up nearly all the tracks we could find- given the little time we had. although it was hard to hike in my sneakers (ohmybeautifulvolleyballoneswhichmydadforcedmetousebutididn'twanttocoztheywereforVOLLEYBALL!)
the "reward" at the very summit is definitely worth a few specks of dirt on my sneakers. HAHAHA nahh i'm kidding, i mean it's definitely breath taking.
I absolutely LOVE the air after it rains or even during because i love the smell of the freshness of it. It smels positively Beautiful. and on top of Mt Cradle thats what it smells like. the green of forage and an open sky, littered with lakes of crystal and the occasional sun beaming through the pillow of clouds- i love it.

After all the rocks we did visit a few touristy places like the CADBURY FACTORY - seriously, the BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT AT ALL. i heard so much about it how it was so cool about the tubs of chocolate and what not. but when we got there, we had to pay to get in. to get to the discount chocolate shop. to buy more chocolate.
LIKE WADDAHELLAMAN?! i think it might be because they stoppe dthe factory tours due to the amounting no. of asian tourists. HAH.
so, it was a total rip. though we did get some 'free' choclates.... probably prepaid from entyr fees >__> bumholes.
WE WENT TO SEE PLATYPUSES AND ECHINDNASS i never knew echidnas were so damn cute (: really, i touched one :D and didn't die.
well i guess my memory fails right now coz i've got a lot of my mind. i shall type off later (: and ocntinue if i rmb anything.

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