Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 9:52 PM
english sucks.
indeed i think that english sucks. English sucks so much that, it just sucks.
it haunts me because i am aboslutely the worst at it. it doens't help that i'ma pessimistic person.
i have trouble writing for next tues T__T indeed i am truly stuffed.
but, i shall try to be optimistic just coz i've got nothign else to hope for.

We must not rush anything, not our lives and especially not our loves. Time is what develops relationships, heal's our hearts scars. Dedicated to that of a good friend. remember the ice block and cream?
although i dont often find myself in that situation, it's something that i've seen a lot of people go through
that is
the ice cream iceblock story:
a girl was given and ice block and ice cream by her mother and was chosen to choose. the girl coudl not decide and in teh end both of them melted and she had none and she cried.
yes i think that it is epicly sad. Otherwise i think it has meaning.
Why has our connections broken? i miss what it was before.
i dont know what i am rambling about. i dont understand teh girl in " about a girl"
i dislike short films. i dont want to Mac beth.
i wish i was good at english.
i also wish i was good at maths
but then again who doesn't. so it's quite a general dream.

"i feel like i'm being torn by two sides of me, i dont know which way to go."
wont you let life take it's own course?
whatever you do, dont sulk. say you're awesome = you're good.

did any of that make sense?

cheers, Steph.
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 @ 9:17 PM
i hate mp4 format.
it's been a month and 8 days since i posted, and so what?
i went to hk, japan, hk again and back , i'd say a lot of fun (:
snow in hokkaido was great and shopping in tokyo is awesome! but exchange is expensive which kinda ruined it all T___T
i would really bother to post vids and pics but i'm not bothered because my vids are in mp4 format and i'm just too lazy to download a converter and blah blah convert it then post it, such a hassle
School has been somewhat enjoyable to a point where english short films disturb me.
T__T i hate writing essays. i realy do. while Zoe has written liek 3 paragraphs i have my whee little 3sentences, it is quite sad.
but i did make friends with Siyang. nice person =]
although i have become aware that not exaclty everyone is happy with who kenneth turned out to be, really people, if you tell me about him i can accept it, he's just a family friend and i've known him for 14 years how can i not know his true nature so just spit it in m face instead of making me hear it through person to person to person.

Tomorrow is zone volleyball and i'm not pumped up, mainly coz there's 11 people on our team ( yeah like wth..?) and i wont be playing much @__@ plus my right arm is slightly tired form baddie this morning, i swear ihaven't been that red and sweaty since primary school when i ran around playing chase in year 3 D:
but it was fun :D haha .

by the way for the people who know how to ski/snowboard i REALY REALLY REALLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO GO TO HOKKAIDO AND LIVE THERE FOR A WEEK coz teh snow is absolutely UN BELIEVABLY powdery and and and, it doens't get much better than that :D
i made several angels and stuff and took vids but but i cbb posting them plus it was hard work to make angels coz snow was like
12 metres thick adn when i stepped in with my boots it went up to my thigh :O
now isn't that awshum (:

i have had a fair share of sushi in japan and also a lot of sashimi. i ate stuff i ddin't know existed and i ate stuff that i didn't know that i ate. xD though i admit that sashimi in japan is v v fresh, the variations of sushi aren't much =/ just sashimi, egg suhi and tahts it == , liek wheres all the maki rolls etc etc, i like maki rolls :D apparantly the reason why Australia has somany different variations of sushi is actualy because it is modified to suit our taste. just liek how i went to japan and ate wasabi pizza.
surprisingly it was nice. xD
but for ppl who dont like broccoli and wasabi i think you shoudl pass.
i love japan is all i need to say (:
also, i watched Bolt in chinese :D
you'd think lol she woudln't understand a thing
BUT I DO! i understood everything ! and i thought it'd be funnier than english coz they make teh lamest chinese puns == ( some that i didn't really get ) and tried to imitate eng puns too !_!
the voice overs are funny (:

all in all, later now.
i love japan and i love hk
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