Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Wednesday, December 31, 2008 @ 8:16 PM
happy new year's eve !
i shall wish everyone a happy new year's eve and happy new year in advance because i will not be online to do so when it actually is so..

i will be overseas very very soon and i am still staying up till 12 to watch fireworks which will probably kill me coz i will only get 5 hours sleep if not less (most liekly less..)
though i am looking forward to a new year, when i am in year 10 ! i feel all old now...
can anyone else imagine that it is indeed the 365th day of 2008 and it is coming to an end in approxmiatly less than 4 hours? the whole 365 days? ( that is unless it was a leap year and i am unawares..)
i find it fascinating how time has really soared, and things pass by that quickly for i fear that by the time i open my eyes again i will be in a hsc examination room knowing nothing more than year 9 history and geography (and i didn't learn anything from Dennett.) also i pray that next year will be as smooth and unproblematic as this year was hopefully i can stay happy etc etc (:
all in all Happy New Year!
also because i'm not here during new year i will type up my new year resolutions from 2009.
1. obviously to study more ! Duh. and and i want to be in Top 10 next year :D impossible, yes but it's just a resolution =)
2. to IMPROVE HEAPS in maths so that i can be in same maths class as my fellow maths nerd Justin (: ... though i doubt it, damn nerd's in first class TT____TT
3. basically to improve in Vball and next time we go melbourne we come back wiht some BLING BLING no i just meant medals :P
4. also related to volleyball, i shall improve so much that we wont get owned when we play in opens.
5. i will not stress during Piano and to improve so well and rapidly i can finish 8th grade hopefully wihtout failing by nov next year (:
6. to live a happy life and to the maaaaxxx.!
you should so follow my epic 6 rule resolutions :D
though it seems teh same every year and i wonder if i'll ever improve . lets hope i somehow work a miracle in the next 365 days... ( or 366...)
Happy new year to all
and for a Merry 2009,
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Monday, December 29, 2008 @ 10:17 PM
late post

it has been somewhat late since i have posted an di should've last wednesday but i didn't so i'll make it up now ! we went to hornsby in the first week coz everyone was sick of parra and not many ppl remained here by 2nd week. so, we just lulled around :D and and and

those soft toy grabby machines? the " skill" testers" well viv got a small ish pink Stitch and we're all like WOAH , WTH, YOU'RE SO AWESOEM then then SHE TRIED AT TEH MASSIVE ONES, AND SHE GOT ANOTHER ONE AND WE'RE LIKE


aand zac went all


well, it was very strangea nd lucky for her BUT

i tried and got it on my first go ! :O

although it was quite fluke, i was unawares of teh timer and put it inn place and looked at it before the grabber dropped down and i nearly banged teh glass coz i didn't press the button but i got it anyway :D

and i named it

Ding Ting

reasons of such a weird name will be unkown to those who are uninformed and i do not intend to inform them, also, NO QUESTIONS rawr.

or it's second name Wuzzy :D

he's this really massive dog with blue and white fur and is VERY CUTE !

and and, after we got 3 soft toys in total, zac tried again and again until he got a COW that ne named ButtSex.

of course, it was zac's idea. and then erin really wanted one but she jsut couldn't get one so zac tried and got a koala :D i dont think she named it

so in total, we got 5 soft toys, including 4 masive ones! from a timezone, when we left i swore they gave us dirty looks :D

but all in all, some photos (:

That is Viv, with Pink Stitch on top then her bear then Ding Ting then ButtSex. though the koala isn't here coz it wasn't rescued out of that ugly plsatic box yet :D
same old same old...

group photo! :P funnily enough, you can see an empty skill tester thing wiht some guy inf ornt of it :D thanks to our asian scabbing only minority toys are left ! HAHAHAAW.

(: until later,


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Thursday, December 18, 2008 @ 9:41 PM
well techinically, i dislike the non-change of classes, because they're keeping them allt eh same as this years. T_______T hooomg, those lazy buts, i really really really dislike bathgate.

WE CAME B ACK FORM MELBOURNE last friday but after like a week, i finally remmbered mayeb to post somethign here as i have been too lazy to. as you probably already know
we came 8 th :D and no, they're were not 8 teams but SIXTEEN, THATS RIGHT !
we dinky little asians beat HALF of the big and tall caucasians :D it was like, ASIAN VS NON ASIANS. though, i guess we could've done better.
Billanook df BHHS
BHHS df Brighton 2
BHHS df Loxton
Eltham df BHHS
Loxton df BHHS
BHHS df Greenwood
BHHS df Luther
Brighton 1 df BHHS
Craigsley df BHHS

and thats a total of 4 wins out of 8 games, well fair enough this was our first time at melbourne and we're playing a divison older than me by more than a year...
or maybe thats coz i'm the youngest on teh team anyway =.=
well. thats it for now, photos are on fb :D i haen't uploaded teh second half coz i'm lazy...
end of school end of year 9 ALREADY.
where did all the time go?

a valuable question...

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008 @ 8:29 PM
if i am somewhat selfish, i suppose i am not perfect but i can see as much i have been. i have been slack and i regret it now.

regret regret, the word sounds bittersweet. i wish i could be what everyone wanted but the fact that i cant makes me appear selfish. if i please one, the other wont like it, so how exaclty does that work?
i see how the economy struggles wiht scarcity. the purpose of an economy is to satisfy as many wants as possible, and now i finally see the strain to that. its' very much impossible. to see my problem now but 10 folds bigger is quite intimidating. and i regret that i didn't share it more equally.

i have earned myself a somewhat bad reputation. although it never shows to me, i know it exists. but to those who bother to read, it isn't at school. school is one part. but they're others.

as i go on my ranting to my hearts content i wonder, and i dont understand. i dont understand a lot of things but the same things keep circling round. what will happen next year?
what is the future?
i can hardly imagine the problems created, just coz i've just had a prologue to what might happen i dont know.
it's scary, what might happen.

i'm scared that it'll all come crashign down, and what i love to do and those i love will be lost.
i finished reading a book about a girl and her boyfriend who dies. i ended crying although it was very badly written man even i can tell. this asian can tell bad engrish. or at least structurally.
bt i think it was because i can relate to it. it reminded me of what might happen tomorrow and it scares me.
i'm worried too.

woah, 3 more days till melbourne.
i love my volleyball, i really hope it will last.
i vow to own those peopel there (:
well, no other NSW team entered, but a lot of VIC teams... hmm..
what, are we so ownage the NSW teams know they dont stand a chance?!?
oh yes we are mighty menergy chickens. ( chigguns w/e)

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