Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 1:03 PM
i hope you like the new n00by skin (: because i made it rofl.
yeh =/ i decided the animated GIF was a bit ==' as ting pointed out,
the words moved @____@ which made it uber n00by and i had like 15 billion hours on hand so i had nothign to do so i made a new one :D any normal person would.
but hey. i was drained of ideas =/
it's the second day of the holidays and already its' kind of a disaster. only 8 ppl going on thursday =/
to a PARK. yes a PARK.
miho's very enthrusiated abotu it ==' so she wont stopgoing on abotu it so if we dont go to a PARK, thts like condemning myself anotehr term of LETS GO TO THE PARK =/
that means 7 hours at a park wiht nothign to do. hmm...
and erin and jen sint' going T________T'
neither is vivien
;KLAJDF;KLJAD;FKLJ;EILURNKJ; comeon people its' a PARK. i want to go to a PARK.

btu we could always change our mind and change trains haflway lol xP
aanyway, =/ i dislike engrish.
stupid engrish poets write about mongolian kings. like, THEY'RE ENGLISH.
mongol >>
its' so boring .

holidays are boring unles you're going somehwer like lenny.
who gets to got o dreamworld @_________________@
i want to go to dreamworld.. one day i'll go onthose slime thingies... though i dont think i have the guts to really go on it =/
XD i'm too pansy.

on sunday :D we went to celebrate dad's birthday so first we went to ewood to eat brekkie
and sitting next to our table is lawrence @__@ so i said hi.
then, we went to DFO,and i bumped into yazza. twice. and i said hi, twice.
then i went to this REBEL outlet store and bumped into edmund.. funny because
his naem is edmund chan
and my uncles name is also edmund chan.
.. @___@
and, one time, shirley looked at my mobile contacts and saw "edmund chan"

me: erh, yeah...
Shirley: but he's such a retard..
Me: that's my uncle.
Shirley: Edmund's ur UNCLE?! @____@
Me: no, a different one.
Shirley: oh oh, thank god...

Shirley is my third concubines husband :D
rofl, it makes sense.

later (:
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Friday, September 26, 2008 @ 9:42 PM
i haven't been posting much. because nothign is going on. but tahts an understatement because a lot is going on i'm jsut too lazy to blog it :D
_________ & ___________ are so cute ! i cant name them or i'll get raped ):
apparantly this and that too ~ but u must think i'm retarded because i'm subbing blanks wiht thsi and that.

last sunday was v balltounry came second. STUPID DAMMIT. we lost to cherrybrook 25-27 and 23-25 WE DESERVED TO WIN but we were too tired to ):
today we played another tourney and bludged school :D, came third but played in one divison higher and versed our seniors opponents. today was also teh last day of term three meaning also the year 12 grad. i didn't get to go which was might as well because it must've been boring
i would miss brandon.
=/ i have no more bus buddy.
lol, i'll use duncan instead ! or kin...
aanwyay. =/ non calc came back. screwd. eng comp screwed. westpac. double screwed .
=( beat me by one mark ADFJA;DFKLJA;DKLFJA;OEIF;ANDFA

i'm boerd. so bored


really. goodbye.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 8:18 PM
an overrated prank.
if you guys ever come across something called "Tingbating" please, just ignore it,
because it is just some lame joke made by a sad no-life.. thats right. i dont know who ( or peoples) that started it but it's so slackkk. if you dont know what it is, then dont find out, you know, somehow if this is famous enough it might get added to the Urban Dictionary. it could be like

Tingbating ( Tingbaiting?) Ti-in-g-bay-ting noun.
1) the art of slapping/spanking/pinching/touching/feeling/hitting with a piece of wood Ting's Butt, and to blame it on someone else (namely anon)
2)Just Touching Ting 8-) lols.

and as for that Justin is a very funny name because pretty much any other word that contains " ust" or "in" u can make a nice nickname !
i.e Just Juice, Juice tin, Justing, Adjusting, Rusting, THRUSTING, thrust-in, DISGUSTING.

hilarious (: please if you have any more please donate !
x) hahaha.
as shown in the left side, my cbox, jen has demonstrated that her now current word fad is now
she says it so sarcastically, if you get called "Dweeb" twice a day it actually pisses you off. as well, she sent me a link in which i cannot find right now stating the definition of "Dweeb"
if i remember correctly it was like, the space between a man's penis and his asshole.
or the space between the vagina and asshole... for a woman that is
><" maaaan, it's so jen-liek to call people that.
she stares at you.
waits 2 seconds.
it takes her TWO SECONDS to think about a 5-letter insult. not that i have anythign to say, she did own me in teh NAPLAN, she owned everyone TT^TT
i love you SMART jen ! my wifey !

today after sport, if you weren't part of the massive herd that was marching to and from zac's and li's house then i shall now tell a tale of pure stupidity and stupidity again.
it was after volleyball ( and we won if you wanted to know :D duh.) so we went to li's house like normal.
when me and vicki got there, and rang teh doorbell no-one answered, so we peeked through the window. and saw that belzy's bag and ben's stuff was on the floor so we assumed that they were there even though it was completely dark. we just kinda assumed it was some like miho-joke not to let us in. after waiting/shouting/knocking a bit, this huge stampede of basketballers just ran in shouting
"LIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'S HOUUUUUUUUUUUUUSE" and they stampeded through to the backyard, broke teh lock on teh gate, and started crashing the yard.. befoer runnign back and shouting
well, we all hung outside his house.. until 3, where most of us left ( celia, jess, daniel, lenny, josh). all teh time knowcking and rining his doorbell , shouting for li to let go of such a stupid prank and let us in. of course, daniel claimed that he heard them giggle, and Samuel thought he heard ben shouting..
in the end, only 3 of us remained and we waited till4, after a bit, we all got worried that they all died having sex or something. and didn't want to answer teh door. then we got more serious and thought they had this gang fight and died. all of them knocked out. and then Samuel gave us a lecture on how the hand would break before we got knocked out... ninja much @______@
haha well, by 4, i was slightly pissed that such a prank coudl get out of hand, i was also fascinated by the fact that they could keep ben so food-less, quiet and still for so long ( one and a half hours)
then i went home.

later on i found out that they weren't in teh house at all TT______________TT stupid much?
i was right though, they du mped their bags in teh house and decided they'd walk to stockland mall to get pizza. yes, pizza. and we waited in front of an empty house, shouting at nothing for one and a half hours.. what a waste of time. and to think they were dying from oversex.
but, they have on alibi at least, they said they left a note saying that they've gone to stockland and left i on the doormat, unfortunately before me and vicki arrived it had blowna way.

thus my pm for those who dont understand,
"funny, how the wind blows."

and epic episode ( TAHTS RIGHT, ALLITERATION) of 17th September 2008 where Stephanie got owned by people who wanted pizza.

fun experience x)
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Monday, September 15, 2008 @ 9:32 PM
a love lost to a wall
that barred the other side
where the grass is always greener.
here i am, trapped
inside a limbo.
i can see no longer
my own ignorance that blinds me
i cant see you reach out,
when you whisper i cannot hear
the words that pierce my icy heart.
i hear by memory
reminiscing of a lost love.

thats right, modernist poetry is melancholy and free verse, emo engrish. hahha alliteration :D
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Friday, September 12, 2008 @ 5:52 PM
camp was fun ~
Quote of the Year:

"Watch your Proximity!"

Quoted by Anon, for no reasons, and no explanation will be provided. those who heard will understand.

Camp for once was actually okay, seems that it was easier than last time, because of my lightweight ( ish ) pack compred to last time and it was only two days so it was tolerable. (:

and well i'm ECSTATIC, EUPHORIC, HAPPY ( yes marvel at my pro vocab ) that i passed navigation because i only learnt it this time because Brodie was a bad teacher.. very very simple.

ahaha and NIGEL was our instructor and he's cool :D because, he told us to go the right way instead of letting us walk to wrong way for like half an hour before telling us like the other group ( who in teh end, walked twice as much ) he always included his hints in songs

" to the left to the left.. to the left to the left"

it is actually irreplaceable by beyonce for those who dont know.

aaanyway, well jen kinda bribed him with Pods, and he tasted the onigiri seaweekd and like dit and he also liked some other food that i cant remember..

another quote:

Zac: OMG jen dont fall into the water * points to a little puddle* you'll drown !

Jen: i'm not that short !!! ><

Zac: yes you are ! be careful!

Jen: i can swim you know.

Zac: ah, i see. * owned *

hmm yes, and there are other funny moments but i cant seem to remember them..
seeing as i'm like 3 days late in typing this @____@ my mind is on mental blank.
but funny things happened today too ~
first of all, Zac cannot read for his life. we were reading this poem and he had to read
"..... camels...."
but he said:
"..... ... ... camaals?"
which caused the whole class to erupt in laughter and he got owned by leishman because he " doesn't know how to read"
and there is a new person added to my imaginary friends
meet Scchhjaaaahk!

he is, as erin portrayed him.. very exotic :D

another thing that also proves that i'm that pedo woman that Arnold thinks i am is that, i've noticed a few times, this little girl walks home beside me . and today she did again. coincidnece i hope.

aanyway shaun was next to me too and whispered: do you know her?

me: no. but she always walks with me.
Shaun: you should talk to her!
me: no! i'm scared she'll run off, i mean stranger danger!
Shaun: but you're a girl!
me: i could be a guy in a skirt.
Shaun: @_______________@ oh, i see.

After that we experimented, we walked extra slowly and the girl dropped back wiht us, and then she stopped to pick up her hat that she dropped and we didn't stop, later she ran right back up to me and started walking again.

After Shaun turned into his street i waited for the girl again and this time i walked wiht her, and i asked her for her name. i think she's real scared of me now, but she answered anyway, whether it was right or not, i made very small conversation and then she went home =(

awww, pedowoman strikes again!

not that there was a first time geez >>

XD i hope i see her tommorrow.


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Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 7:51 PM
tomorrow is camp ! i cant belive it, because i still tend to think that it's still 2 months or so away..
surprisingly i have finished packing and it is very light, although it still doesn't include tent/food etc but stil.. lighter OR SEEMS lighter than last time o_O i wonder why last time it was so heavy. i dont remember lol.
aanyway we got our maths commons back. the test was surprisingly easier than i anticipated and i was very aware of not making stupid mistakes :D but over all i'm happy wiht my mark , except wiht exceptions to people who are one mark higher T__T
they should all die. yesh rofl.
i wont write it here, because it is personal =)
but aaanyway.
hah we went to li's house to do our PD assignment. it was total shock horror zomg this is wtheck.
we had changed teh plan from teh original because 30 seconds wasn't enough, in the end we got everyone to be in it :D at a " party " where everyone has sex and underage drinks !
but yeah, now it's like so ownage with li in his pool :D it only took us FIFTEEN MINUTES FOR TEH ACTUAL SHOOTING
the quietening the ppl down tookd 20 TT______TT
now i shall go and RECHECK my bags ( again ) and do the PD asso and CHERISH MY LAST NIGHT IN A BED ( even though i'm only away for anight =/ but still. i love my bed) and to sleep early and to wake up early. and RECHECK again.

so organised :D

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008 @ 9:44 PM
" i can feel the wind on my ears"
"you can hear the wind because your ear is here !"
" O_________o are you feeling okay?"
[ third person]
"hey close the window, i forgot my jumper today"
*sulk* " but the wind feels nicee... "

random conversation (:
those wonderful maths classes where everyone is bored of trig. lols.

it's on these days that i realise we should cherish what we have and how we have it because thats just how it is, i know all of those emo's out there will be arguing with me but hey, who told you to listen to me.
i'm relieved, aboslutely ecstatic because i can still keep what i have.
life is important.
remember that people, it's some odd advice from a little girl. yesh.

camp in two days o______O
zomgshh i think we're gonna cross a river with no bridge !!! like, WHATTHEHECK?
=( that means getting our feet wet, and worst of all we dont even know how deep the river is =='
which sucks, meaning it could be neck height ( i doubt it, because we're going at low tide and, they dont want us to drown) or hopefully ankle height.
the saddening thing is that the camp said that
" we are not responisble for your children dying i'm sorry but we just dont care, i mean dont you think it's a good thing?"
no that that's what it really said but you get my drift =)
haha well =/ after Ogara told me that epic scary story, it's all paranoia for me now on =='
however, that was 10 years ago and hopefully things have improved then.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008 @ 9:23 PM
i feel like i've been taken over
a shadow that has crossed
and taken me away
further from you.
and something is grasping on
not letting me go
and as i watch your back fade
i cant help but scream
a silent whisper that goes unheard.
i see you walk away
not a second thought
paid to my existence.

emo much?
:P enjoy the crappy engrish people.
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@ 8:12 PM
i enjoyed the sun today, and i'm also happy to find that my keyboard isn't lagging !
yesh ^^
and, i have just experienced a very heart-stopping situation where you turn on your computer and you find that ALL YOUR FILES/STUFF/PICTURES/MUSIC is ALL gone, and you're thinking HOLY CRAP, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO.
yes well, that was solved my simply restarting the computer, but you see, i was so thick with confusion and worry i totallyf orgot and jsut started flaming justin and erin. lols, XD i did what they said and it worked =3
so lucky ah, i cant imagine my computer without my files, that means ALL MY PERSONALS ALL GONE.
asian women are so funny , as in the kind that are mothers an immigrated to Australia and still cant speak engrish. i was at tennis, and this reaaally big family was next to us and they spoke canto too, and it's kinda a trait in chinese women to speak REAAAALy loudly so i could hear ALL their conversations. it was kinad annoying mainly because 50% of the time she was scolding like 5 children. but i found out not all of them were hers, thank god. aanyway, they're all little kiddies like five or six years.. and all of them couldnt' really hold a raquet cz they're all so short the raquet kinda drags along the ground, but other than that they BARELy had any rallies, but they jsut ranodmly hit balls at each other.
the mum was like
AIYAH, lei dah out jsou m ho faat pei hei ah !! sou seng !!
translation: aiyah, if you're gonna hit out then dont throw a tantrum!! shut up !!
and 3 of the kids started crying, i was eavvesdropping so much i kept forgetting to watch the ball and nearly got hit in the face TT______TT
but the whole time the woman was bickering with the kids
and once the kid hit the ball to her, and she tried to run back, but her big ass woudln't let her and she fell back onto her bum
" aiyah, ge deii gumm seeen ge.."
translation: " aiyah, the floor is so slippery."
well, duh, maybe because it had rained onto the sand?
hm yes, and surprisingly she was teaching the kids how to hit a ball wiht a raquet. interseting.
but after having an amusing session of seeing kids getting scolded, which kinda reminded me when i started learning tennis, except that i had no asian woman screaming at me.
the hour and a half passed really quckly and we wre gonna leave so we collected all our balls which we had 9 to start wiht and we only found eight.
and we're liek ZOMFG, WHERE'D THE LAST BALL GO. except that all the balls we hit out the fence we went to get so there wasnt' a chance that a ball got outside which only left the option that the next door took our ball and i wouldnt' be surpise.d
i mean,
they're asian too.
and my dad was like ==' nvm it's just a ball, but i woudlnt' let go so i nagged him until he went up to them ( the asian woman ) and told her that she had one of our bals. she was like
liek PSH duh, all ur other balls are like faded greena dn ours is a shiny yellow and for some odd erason you have ONE of those on ur court which JSUT happens to be the same number as our balls.
gosh psh.
in the end she gavde it back with a very srcastic OH I'M SO SORRY.
yes, sorry. dotn we all hear that so much.

and the ball was muddy.
;LAKJDF;ADJFJKAK;JD I DEMAND A NEW ONE. but no, such asian dont do fair deals.
but yes, thats about the highlight of my day, isn' tthat sad?

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Saturday, September 6, 2008 @ 9:57 PM
the rain.
the whole two days consecuive was raining,
i was walking on teh way home and it was raining
the rain brings in an atmosphere that is both relaxing and fresh.
because i like the rain that pitters down and makes a soft noise on my umbrella,
i'm happy that my mum made me buy fake cons insteadof realones, or i woud be sulking by now, i wold've been happier if it wasn't mufti day ad i wrecked my fake cons.

i relly have nothign to say =(
how frekig sad is that, i have now FINALY resulted into blogging about that i have nothing to say.

i dont know, honestly if our volleyball team breaks up we're screwed because we'd be low on players and it'd take time to train more to our level, and it wil also b hard

six peopleare leaving our grade? honstly imagine next year, tht wouldreall suck. i heard 10 year 10's we're leaving this year to ruse. ruse is gay, because it's so damn ceapas, i cant xlain, my keyboard is laggng heaps and it's annoying th crap out of me.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008 @ 9:45 PM
. . .
everyone is probably studyign for maths right now, because it's tmrow. but i 'm not, because i'm so sick of looking at parabolas. ><"
and yeah. its' not gonna do me any good
sigh... i probably will stuff up yet again..
AND MATHS NERDS, namely justing . and the whole first/second class. grr ...
luls. you know, we should organise this epic plan where we all shall fail thus we all pass :D therefore noone fails!~
amazing.. we really should try it...
but no, the smart people 'll be like NO.
and maggie =( after we get out results back
she'd ask me at the bus bay
and i'll be like *(@$&@#&#)&#@(&#(&
and she'll be like HAH, I BEAT YOU.
and i'll be sulk in my corner... all alone, on teh swings and squeaky ones, with rain...

lol, i have 3 ands in a row :D yay.
i lack vocab.

and as justin said, you shouldn't quote urself even though i am not hintign that i quote myself here is the quote of the day by anon.
NB: please note, that this is ANON, not hinting who. they should know though (:

"You can call me feminine but i'm not Gay!"
quote anon

and most of all i love my dad, whos SO AWSHUM.


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Wednesday, September 3, 2008 @ 9:38 PM
Quote of the day
the Quote of the day is :

" Don't worry, i like you dirty, because i hate clean

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@ 9:23 PM
? ? ? ? ? ?

zomg =( i logged on and i realised i'm getting dumber every year.
in year 7 i got a distinction. wiht 90% better than state
and year 8 i got a CREDIT and wiht only 88% better than state
and YEAR 9 I GET A FREAKING CREDIT with only _ _<88% better than state
i'm not to type it here, because it is shame ful TT______TT"


i haet myself.

i swear, if i dont get better someone is gona die.

namely me TT__TT


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Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 5:22 PM
and for all you shit heads out there gtfo because you're not wanted here. by shit heads i mean those who yell at pedestrians on the street and throw unneccessary items, wasting the item if not littering it. and those who spreads out someone' elses life story.
i shall start with the first kind of shit head.

the kind of shithead that pokes their head out of the car and to yell insults/swear at pedestrians is extremely unwise. first of all, you are wasting y ou're breath. and it's not liek the pedestrians actually appreciate what you do. as an example i shall give what happned thsi arvo.
i got off the bus with kin, and after a while ( he was standing on the outside, nearest to the road) and he literally got egged. literaly, got hit by an egg and it exploded everywhere, luckily somehow i didn't get hit, i be very very lucky . but he sadly, was hit in the arm , with yolk splattered in his hair and his cr bag. poor kin =(
he was very pissed after that liek


yes, very pissed. AND those shitheads wasted an egg. poor chick.
another day i was walking home, thankfully i didn't get hit by an egg but instead by insults.


i dont get them, them and teh word F***K. at least i should be glad i wasn't egged.
the second kind of shithead i REALLY WANT TO GIVE A GOOD KICK IN HIS BALLS because he's such a shithead. the stupid guy blabbed out my WHOLE LIFE STORY, liek WTF IS UR PROBLEM?!
yeah, and then well ==' stupid idiot.
he bent the truth. DAMMIT. grr.

anyway, WE PLAYED IWHT BARBIES :D AFTE RLIEK 5 YEARS I HAVEN'T TOUCHED MINE. no more than five years, xD but i used to like bratz.
. hehe, yeah ew.
but it was in jap class and it was WORK lols..

hm, and i take back my last comment on celia, how she was unbeatable at swearing.
well celia, i think you have competiiton.
because erin can swear too (:


hate hate hate hate. disliek chemistry TT____TT i epic PHAILED my test.

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