Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 8:34 PM
i go to school today and i'm bombarded by erin and vivien asking how i was " snowing " which erin corrected later that she was too lazy to say how was the snow, or snowboarding or whatever. anyway, as i promised nooby pictures :D
i'm like, a very very crap boarder who looks pro :P aaha...
on top of the beginnres slope , village eight express.
my beloved snowmen. dont they look so adorable? xD names are snowy 3 on the left, and snowy 4 on the right. dont ask about snowy 1 & 2.
they melted away years ago ):
this is me and my bro (: he looks like a little nerd.
i really couldn't be bothered to upload anymore so i'll just leave it at that.
so i went to school and eveyrone starts making comments on
"Samuel's hair is on fire"
ah well ad for those who dont get what that means, it's just a personal joke, that happened on friday.
apparantly zac went up to samuel and said, :O LOOK SAMUEL, UR HAIRS ON FIRE and zac being azac obviously is very sheet at lying so samuel ddin't belive him, i mean, who would?
then ben joine din and went, no seriously samuel, ur hair is on fire, and it's kinda fascinating but ben apparantl kept a straight face while saying that.
and samuel, belives ben and says,
ZOMG, WHAT THE * fumbles hair* MY HAIR'S ON FIRE?!?!
and obviousyly it must've been preeety damn funny coz it stuck with him on Monday today.
xD it's kinda like, LOOK MIHO! A UNICORN! and she turns around :D so gullible. but i'm gullible and so is everyone coz i managed to convince someone iw as blonde ! on msn taht is, but i suppose it's not that hard on msn... except i told them i was from baulko and that i liked rice,a nd they believed i was blonde. hm. yes, not TOO many blonde chicks in baulko aye...
oh oh, a lame joke.
why did the pirate with one hand cross the road?
because there was a second-hand shop accross the road.
and you know what? my dad actually thought it was funny and started laughing T___T
very very sad. but i used to like tat joke XD
ah the stupid engrish story =( i finally finished WITH 1901 WORDS WOOT, dont i just own your socks (: yes and 217 words for reflection ==' gosh, it's so hard to keep it to 200, u seem to have tones to say.

i shall fail engrish, you fail with me yeah? haha.
ah well.
steph. lots of love.
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