Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
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Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Monday, August 4, 2008 @ 5:00 PM
now it's finally the time to come where i get to rant rant rant on about how gay people are.
i hate secrets, secrets are horrible, why do they exist? but then again, i cant survive without secrets, what's really gay is that people cant keep them.
whats so damn hard?
freaking gaylord. fag faces. BABIES.
maybe thats why this gay person in whom i shall not name but is very obvious who to those that know what i'm talking about, CANT KEEP SECRETS.
it's insane.
he's so immature,
or she.
but wha ti really dont get is taht people CHOOSE to tell people secrets because they trust them. then why cant the people who got told RESPECT the trust?
they know that if they tell then all hope of trust will be gone. this is what friendship is
a relationship built on top of trust.

i dont get it, why he cant understand. he's so gay, he's stopping so many things, and also making others come true, it's PAINFUL for some people you know?
no necessarly me because i'm speeaking to ALL those people no necessarily just this one gay faggot, ALL those people who cant keep a gay secrets coz they're mouths are just too full of themselves and they cant shut it.

haha, that was my slogan for my VD work :D
it was to actually imply jean flys ;)

anwyay, back on track, i hope this person reads and now will understand what pain and frustratin they have caused and hope they they FIANLLY UNDERSTAND the consequences that they have just arised and will apologize and promise they will never do it again, but i highly doubt that because gay faggots dont read blogs.

my fingers are now typing at godspeed though rally godspeed for me isnt' acutally taht fast and tht means alot of typos :S.

hm, at least i'm all out.
damn to all those people who cant keep secrets.
then freaking LEARN TO..

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