Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
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Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 5:12 PM
english hates me.
it's sad, because i showed my newwww plot to Leishman today, and she said it was cliche. yeah, i said, i knew it was cliche. ==' but now i haveto make some "twist" to the story. and i have a twist in mind now, it makes no sense. i hope she likes it.

you know, it's scary but my favourite bit about english is writing stories. i dislike essays, no poetry, i hate shakespeare. i only like writing stories. XD i told my dad that i wanted to be a part time writer when i was small, and being asian he said, NOWAY LAH.

but yesterday i shoed him my VERY OVERWORDED COPY. ( 500 words over zomg :O) and he's like ZOMG, THIS IS SEXY.

so when i told him again i wanted tobe a part time story writer he's like :D, YOU SHOUDL WRITE CHILDRENS NOVELS, AND I'LL PERSONALLY PAY FOR THE PUBLICAITON.

and i'm like LOLZORS, it's a tempting offer, but i'm always drained of ideas, i can write but i have the lamest most cliche ideas whihc really suck because, then i cant become a part time writer, unles i hire an idea thinker but thas out of question coz that means spending unneccesary money (:

like i have ranted previously, i can now conclude that it is infact a compelte mess. things haven't gone like they should, even though this does not even concern me i feel badly for those that are associated, not lik i'm gonna type it out here, ths is just my rant space (:

YESTERDAY, i went to parra with erin, Jo, Yeli and Sandy ! and being teh stingy asshole that i am i actually spent money :D and in the end i got my dad to pay for it !


no, then again i bought him t his REALLY ownage keyring from morning glory, for his birthday. =) i'm such a good daughter.

And now that you've seen the ugly keyrng i will now comment that it is indeed very ugly :D

but theres a story behind why i got such an ugly ( BUT IT'S SO UGLY IT'S CUTE !) keyring is becaue last time i went to ct and went into mornig glory , my dad saw the ugly thing and held it, staring at it for nearly 5 minutes straight. He then put it back and commented

" zomg, it's so ugly" not that he really said zomg, but it was in canto :L

well, and i knew he liked it secretly so i bought it fo rhim WITH A 15% OFF COZ OF MIHO'S VIP CARD.


but the keyring is cool, because it's so ugly, its kinda cute.

just kinda.

steph. lol.

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