Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 5:17 PM
stupid viruses
justin told me that you dont get viruses unless you go to dodgy sites.
but, i dont go to dogdy sites and he looks at me weirdly T___T
but lemonworks (:
hahahahah, no really, i'm joking.
if you've ever read hamster lemon, dont. because, it sucks.
you see
i ACCIDENTALLY stumbled upon reading hamster lemon. it was an ACCIDENT. really.
it's really not fun, reading bijou and hamtarou having sex because the author would really have no idea what hamster sex is like, that is unless he's she's watched it, done it.
i doubt it.

and for those innocent minds out there you really should know what lemon is.
but quote zac.
how do words turn you on? really, thats porn's job.
but i shall state and answer that quesiton. lemon does not turn you on. and thats a fact.
for all you nubs, go search lemon :D
yaoi ftw.

joking (:
die yuri. yaoi rules.
quot miho, the yaoi fangirl.

i hate english =( stupid teacher pissess me off so badly, cliche this cliche that.
everythign is cliche coz OBVOIUSLY the tenbillion milion gazillion people in the world would have thought up all the good ideas already so wouldn't everythign be cliche?
jsut coz i have crappy english you're gonna take off makrs =(
for a cliche plot, well , my twists are worse,
fromnormal to supernatural.

i be pissed atm, because Drew decided that he'd cancel the training time for us for the NUBS, yes NOOBS. in the guys team and they get doubletraining. no fair lah. you see, we should need more training, next metro he said we're trying out switching, and it sucks atm. so how are we going to win again if we're trying a new formation whtout practicing =( we totally failed this morning. Jen told me that the westfields guys team has 6 golds @_____________@
well, it doesnt' matter i suppose, because we beat their girl team :D
and it's funny, because their whole team is asian, despite a being a sport school.
volleyball be an asian sport :D
the olympics v ball was sexy. the guys went bang bang bang, and they won . roflol

saturday, was funny, all erin did was laugh laugh smile smile, not bad for an emo girl (:
i'm joking, but its' not like her. due to some very good news she was very happy. i'm not going to type it up here because that'd be insulting to certain people but i guess they wont mind because they won'tbe here to read it (:
i honestly dont care about the news, it doens't affectme.
but i look forward to the new people next year.

i hope my very cool friend gets in baulko. lol.
he's such a stoner.

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