Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Sunday, August 31, 2008 @ 8:06 PM
sunday. yes state the obvious.
i wonder. i got peeled out of bed to go eat teh cheapass breakfast at ikea this morning =(
it was alright. but teh egg was so =='
it was liek tasteless. i bet they just put two eggs in some massive pan and pouerd liek 10 litres of water into it. =( stupid ikea.
rofls, but it cheap $2 breakfast !! with this really crappy sausage and bacon which was surprisingly nice. but i aded 50c coz i wanted baked beans :D:D
so i gave my sausage to Leslie and yeah...
hey come on, it was REASONABLY alright but ti was cheap :D
and now my parents are like YAY we shall come here every weeek coz its' SOOO cheap !
but then i pointed out that it was so damn far away that the petrol will probably pay up than the breakfast.
and they were literally sulking.

oh well the eggs sucked.

it's weird how my dad knows i dislike going shopping so early, i liek to mope around at home practicing being emo ! =D no i'm joking. i dont. i just like slleeeeeping (:
i really am fat. i eat sleep eat sleep and repeat on ten billion times o__O so i decided to go EXCERCISE in the arvo:D
i would SEXERCISE if i could help it but it wasn't like my dad would let me T___T rolfs.
no seriously, i'm not gay. i'm only joking . . .
he fully put all these soft balls righ tto me until i got preeeety pissed and was like.

ZOMFG, IF YOU HATE PLAYIGN WIHT ME SO MUCH THEN I'LL HIT HARD, and i did,a nd it went out over the fence, out of the court. and he made me runa nd get it TT_______TT

haha, stupid karma. but after i shouted at him the second time i did a corner and totally owned his little sad ass. woot lols.

and i come back home to have erin waiting to flame me. well not exaclty to flame me but to flame AT ME. which in teh span of about 10 minutes i heard the F WORD like.... what celia says in 10 seconds.
rofls, no i'm joking but she did swear a lot.
which is teh point.
i shall go and finish my PS masterpiece WOOT.
it be faaaar from finished o____O

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Friday, August 29, 2008 @ 10:45 PM
it's funny how i dont really understand how people can rage on for like a page and half,namely another person's blog whom i jsut read.
it's funny because i know i cantdo it.
Erin says i'm an inner aggro calm bitch which really deosnt' make sense because thats an oxymoron. but what i really think i can never voice out, let alone drop liek a tonne of fcucks in there. it's just not me.
which also brings to attention that how people swear sooo much. i mean, it's not healthy. come on, like ten billionfucks in 2 sentences. isn't it tiring?

what else also pisses me off is. WTF is going on. between erh.
yeah and yeah.
but seriously, it's so strange. you'd think SOMEONE'D learnt their lesson by now but surprisingly they haven't. And apparantly according to so and so that it's just abotu attention? what did the other person say ? i'm not sure. names aren't my thing, me to know you not to know.

- this part is currently censored i'm sorry =( i have nothing more to fill an empty gap -

i dont get it, how people can be so selfish.
and now another matter, another person whom i JUST DONT UNDERSTAND because they just never learn? they are so slow, so repititive. you'd think they'd get it but they dont.
because they cant get it over their thick skull, that they're not appreciated. not just by me but the one he loves too.
"why are you pissed at me?"
huh, think about it.
it's frustrating.

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Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 8:34 PM
i go to school today and i'm bombarded by erin and vivien asking how i was " snowing " which erin corrected later that she was too lazy to say how was the snow, or snowboarding or whatever. anyway, as i promised nooby pictures :D
i'm like, a very very crap boarder who looks pro :P aaha...
on top of the beginnres slope , village eight express.
my beloved snowmen. dont they look so adorable? xD names are snowy 3 on the left, and snowy 4 on the right. dont ask about snowy 1 & 2.
they melted away years ago ):
this is me and my bro (: he looks like a little nerd.
i really couldn't be bothered to upload anymore so i'll just leave it at that.
so i went to school and eveyrone starts making comments on
"Samuel's hair is on fire"
ah well ad for those who dont get what that means, it's just a personal joke, that happened on friday.
apparantly zac went up to samuel and said, :O LOOK SAMUEL, UR HAIRS ON FIRE and zac being azac obviously is very sheet at lying so samuel ddin't belive him, i mean, who would?
then ben joine din and went, no seriously samuel, ur hair is on fire, and it's kinda fascinating but ben apparantl kept a straight face while saying that.
and samuel, belives ben and says,
ZOMG, WHAT THE * fumbles hair* MY HAIR'S ON FIRE?!?!
and obviousyly it must've been preeety damn funny coz it stuck with him on Monday today.
xD it's kinda like, LOOK MIHO! A UNICORN! and she turns around :D so gullible. but i'm gullible and so is everyone coz i managed to convince someone iw as blonde ! on msn taht is, but i suppose it's not that hard on msn... except i told them i was from baulko and that i liked rice,a nd they believed i was blonde. hm. yes, not TOO many blonde chicks in baulko aye...
oh oh, a lame joke.
why did the pirate with one hand cross the road?
because there was a second-hand shop accross the road.
and you know what? my dad actually thought it was funny and started laughing T___T
very very sad. but i used to like tat joke XD
ah the stupid engrish story =( i finally finished WITH 1901 WORDS WOOT, dont i just own your socks (: yes and 217 words for reflection ==' gosh, it's so hard to keep it to 200, u seem to have tones to say.

i shall fail engrish, you fail with me yeah? haha.
ah well.
steph. lots of love.
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Sunday, August 24, 2008 @ 9:21 PM
d e a d.
if you've ever been tired and you couldn't get out of bed then, well i state the obvious.

it hurts.
but this time i'm deader than ever ( is deader a word? i'm vocab-lacked) because even my neck is tired and i cant get out of bed without straining.
because my arms hurt too.
and the reason why i have put myself and my body trhough such torture is coz of some packed and hectic weekend of n00b snowboarding. just coz i've never actually been snowboarding before so the first half hour was really, tiring. then i got the hang of it
and stacked it over and over again.

i have this massive bruise on my knee T______T'
i shall post later to comment on my n00by snowboarding, i'm too tired to type.

go extreme sports (:

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008 @ 5:17 PM
stupid viruses
justin told me that you dont get viruses unless you go to dodgy sites.
but, i dont go to dogdy sites and he looks at me weirdly T___T
but lemonworks (:
hahahahah, no really, i'm joking.
if you've ever read hamster lemon, dont. because, it sucks.
you see
i ACCIDENTALLY stumbled upon reading hamster lemon. it was an ACCIDENT. really.
it's really not fun, reading bijou and hamtarou having sex because the author would really have no idea what hamster sex is like, that is unless he's she's watched it, done it.
i doubt it.

and for those innocent minds out there you really should know what lemon is.
but quote zac.
how do words turn you on? really, thats porn's job.
but i shall state and answer that quesiton. lemon does not turn you on. and thats a fact.
for all you nubs, go search lemon :D
yaoi ftw.

joking (:
die yuri. yaoi rules.
quot miho, the yaoi fangirl.

i hate english =( stupid teacher pissess me off so badly, cliche this cliche that.
everythign is cliche coz OBVOIUSLY the tenbillion milion gazillion people in the world would have thought up all the good ideas already so wouldn't everythign be cliche?
jsut coz i have crappy english you're gonna take off makrs =(
for a cliche plot, well , my twists are worse,
fromnormal to supernatural.

i be pissed atm, because Drew decided that he'd cancel the training time for us for the NUBS, yes NOOBS. in the guys team and they get doubletraining. no fair lah. you see, we should need more training, next metro he said we're trying out switching, and it sucks atm. so how are we going to win again if we're trying a new formation whtout practicing =( we totally failed this morning. Jen told me that the westfields guys team has 6 golds @_____________@
well, it doesnt' matter i suppose, because we beat their girl team :D
and it's funny, because their whole team is asian, despite a being a sport school.
volleyball be an asian sport :D
the olympics v ball was sexy. the guys went bang bang bang, and they won . roflol

saturday, was funny, all erin did was laugh laugh smile smile, not bad for an emo girl (:
i'm joking, but its' not like her. due to some very good news she was very happy. i'm not going to type it up here because that'd be insulting to certain people but i guess they wont mind because they won'tbe here to read it (:
i honestly dont care about the news, it doens't affectme.
but i look forward to the new people next year.

i hope my very cool friend gets in baulko. lol.
he's such a stoner.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008 @ 9:19 PM
we had a 2hour session of vball training today, and justin, zac and martin came along to train with us and the guys. i suppose it's good that the guys have 3 new ppl coz they're always short on ppl anwyay.
but yeah, anyway thats not what i'm here to talk a bout seeing as the title is rape, and not v ball training, but i'll jsut note that it was very fun. i love volleyball (:
anyhow, rape.
if u were a daughter of some kind u must've heard ur mum talking about getting raped when walking through random quiet streets and king cross?
even though if ur a son, and u haven't i'll tell u, it'sannoying.
after training i had to walk home, to my grents house. which is like 45 minute walk. if i take the long way.
my mum was full on like

i dont really beleive it is true, because if it is, then all shortcuts are ALLMEN, ad they should havelike ALL WOMEN SHORTCUTS to prevent rape, unless you count lesbian rape.
so being lazy, i stood outside the baulkham hills community centre/ retirement home.
i was thinking, dammit, i really want to take the shortcut, i'm really too lazy. so i did take teh shortcut,
just standing there for 2 minutes, there were a lot of old people passing by
so i chose this random old lady and followed her.
so not to get " raped " but
i dont believe i was the only one who was concerned about being raped because, really
i think the old woman was more worried about lesbian rape, but a little schoolgirl.
i followed her, and she fully glanced back and nearly ran.
i just stared at her thinking, ROFLOL.
but in the end i just overtook her, without running and she kinda. disappoeared.

well for those who care, i didn't get raped, so i shall take this shortcut as long as it's during daylight, in which it was.

so for those whoa re getting scared of being raped, follow an old man/woman. it proves to be amusing.
i dont have much more to comment on,
so leave a comment (:


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Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @ 4:47 PM
eng comp.
as stated in my previous post, english realy hates me.
the eng comp was such a bitch. i cant believe that the UNSW comp have gotten somuch harder thsi year ==', they used to be easy.
and i just cause i hae like, a 10-year old vocab they deliberately throw words i dont know at me.
i read the first text, and think.
i read the question.
i dont get it.
i coloured and recoloured to stupid bubble so many times. >>'
and for those who want the FREAKING ANSWERS to the VOCAB QUESTIONS in which i guessed both,

1. strong or vehement expression of disapproval.
a) permit
b)somethign or other
c) i really dont know.
d) i forgot.

i asked a walking dictionary aka. Vicki, who really is a walking dictionary, but a slow one at that.
and it's probably permit. thats what i put :D

1. tending or seeking to evade;evade meaning avoid.. kinda.
a) candid
b) discreet? ( i'm not sure :S)
c) something
d) . lol.

apparantly acording to the walking dictionary, the answer is candid, i guessed that too lol (:

i suppose that i'm lucky this time. i still think, that english is a biaaatch.
and FOR THOSE who are dumb at maths people, here is another way to remmber SOHCAHTOA. even though i remember sohcahtoa anyway =)


ROFLOL. i found it in the text book :D i cant help but laugh at teh hobo bit..
idk, hobo's are IN now.
stupid sheridan wouldn't give us back our geo comps =(
i know i failed,BUT MAN, GIVE ME THE DIGNITY TO FAIL, like
just prolong the torture assuming that i failed, and knowing that i did fail, and i did fail.
Ben got his back.
ZOMG like 43 out of 50 ><
I'MMA SCREWED OVER TENFOLD, i'd be like ecstatic for 50 % because, i guessed about...
life of a dumb person.

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Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 5:12 PM
english hates me.
it's sad, because i showed my newwww plot to Leishman today, and she said it was cliche. yeah, i said, i knew it was cliche. ==' but now i haveto make some "twist" to the story. and i have a twist in mind now, it makes no sense. i hope she likes it.

you know, it's scary but my favourite bit about english is writing stories. i dislike essays, no poetry, i hate shakespeare. i only like writing stories. XD i told my dad that i wanted to be a part time writer when i was small, and being asian he said, NOWAY LAH.

but yesterday i shoed him my VERY OVERWORDED COPY. ( 500 words over zomg :O) and he's like ZOMG, THIS IS SEXY.

so when i told him again i wanted tobe a part time story writer he's like :D, YOU SHOUDL WRITE CHILDRENS NOVELS, AND I'LL PERSONALLY PAY FOR THE PUBLICAITON.

and i'm like LOLZORS, it's a tempting offer, but i'm always drained of ideas, i can write but i have the lamest most cliche ideas whihc really suck because, then i cant become a part time writer, unles i hire an idea thinker but thas out of question coz that means spending unneccesary money (:

like i have ranted previously, i can now conclude that it is infact a compelte mess. things haven't gone like they should, even though this does not even concern me i feel badly for those that are associated, not lik i'm gonna type it out here, ths is just my rant space (:

YESTERDAY, i went to parra with erin, Jo, Yeli and Sandy ! and being teh stingy asshole that i am i actually spent money :D and in the end i got my dad to pay for it !


no, then again i bought him t his REALLY ownage keyring from morning glory, for his birthday. =) i'm such a good daughter.

And now that you've seen the ugly keyrng i will now comment that it is indeed very ugly :D

but theres a story behind why i got such an ugly ( BUT IT'S SO UGLY IT'S CUTE !) keyring is becaue last time i went to ct and went into mornig glory , my dad saw the ugly thing and held it, staring at it for nearly 5 minutes straight. He then put it back and commented

" zomg, it's so ugly" not that he really said zomg, but it was in canto :L

well, and i knew he liked it secretly so i bought it fo rhim WITH A 15% OFF COZ OF MIHO'S VIP CARD.


but the keyring is cool, because it's so ugly, its kinda cute.

just kinda.

steph. lol.

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Saturday, August 9, 2008 @ 8:10 PM
four seasons condoms. D:
i guess the title of this post is slightly scary. just slightly. but it reminds of an incident that happened back in year 7 and is absolutely hilarious even now. but what reminded of it was in chinse with my very very uber china obsessed chinese teacher cathy, shes a uni student and shes funny and cool. ver china obsessed.
made in china, is what she calls herself
then i'm made in carlo :D
lol, well anyway we somehow got to revising on the " four seasons " and shes' like
the four seasons is blah blah bah and blah, and me and viv participate in class discussons so much it somehow reached that four seasons was a hotel and that back in year 7 we found a condom on the ground, from four seaons :D
the story was during lunch, in year 7, daniel found a little white square on the ground, and then we worked out it was condom, being n00by year 7 we thought it was very dodgy and beinga s curious as we were, daniel opened it.

and well, i kinda feel sorry for the condm because even though it wasn't used it went through sooo many adventures with Daniel. in the end, it kinad broke coz Daniel was stupid enough to poke a stick through it to see how far it woudl stretch and the result was indeed intersting coz it stretched to an impossible length.
so Daniel stuck the broken condom on the stick nd stuck it in the dirt, we all kinda stood round it and wondered what to do with it, in the end, they ripped it apart some more and put it in the bin =='

strange, because we found out in the end how the condom got there in the first place. it was actually those current year 10's who are now graduated who had stolen them from the PD classroom and just littered them randomly.
and that thus leads to another memory a bit closer to present. Daniel found a condom in the maths classroom. yes B14. it was strange, daniel is always teh one associated with finding condoms, he must have a gift for it :D.
at least we know he'll have safe sex. LOLZORS.

jks ah.
well, the condom got thrown around and examined.
very dodgy indeed.

well, i missed out teh condom experiment last fri when they put condoms on plastic penises in PD last week TT____TT i was at v ball. sucks. coz they said it was VERY VERY VERY FUN
hmph yeah well, idont see fun in putting condoms on FAKE penises.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008 @ 8:59 PM
i'm sick.
i'm sick,

dammit, i'm sick,
grr... this s the third time. i dont get how some people's immunisation is so good while mine is some weak crap and i get SICK THREE TIMES IN 2 SEASONS.
gaaaah ==' how do white people stand wearing a TANK TOP in like
10 degrees, freaking assholes. =( i just dont get it and it's unfair because i have to wrap up so badly
i'mw earing 10 billion layers and still sneezing.
what else is funny is that how people are so thick, they're so thick things are right under their noses and they dont get it.
which in some cases might be a good thing but it kinda pissess me off that they dont realise and do the wrong things, and be stupid.

haha, teh other day, on that 15 minute strike we wre ranodmly playign marco polo and vickiw as in with her scarf as the blindfold
and we all like, made fun of her. and in the end she just full on shouted

and ths was a quote. vicki is really funny, the things she says you wouldn't imagine that it existed because the logic in it was just not there. atm, i cant find anythig off the top of my head about her stupidity ( or somehwat fake stupidity? idk if it's real :S).

i have 3 dramas to wtach. i'm wtaching attackno.1 it's about v ball. i wish i could play lie that then again, they're playign at national level. =/
i play at state. DAMMIT. and tehyr'e senior
=/ but they seem obsessed,
the jap exchange students , i feel sorry for them. Australia would seem UBER BORING after like a city in Japan, but i suppose tjhey're not used to such a boring/peaceful life so they enjoy it? probably.
i mean, yazza told me that they had like, a western dinner and the jap chick reall like it :S

i personally prefer chinkii or jap food. tastes a whole lot better than jsut steak and steamed vegies, but i'm a meat pot. go steak!
and for people who hate brussel sprouts YOU SUCK.
I LIKE SPINACH freaking assholes =( .
i dont know why white people are so against brussel sprouts, THEY LOOK CUTE AND TASTE NICE. they dont know good stuff.

i love sashimi :D salmon to be specific. i love FOOD.
but i eat too much and get fat. so,
i love food (:

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @ 8:19 PM
i'm so bored during commerce, it's really boring, all she does is drone drone drone and drone soem more, like, and tehn, KAPPILAN just ranodmly asks the stupidest of questions and taht kinda just makes it more boring ==' SAME GOES WIHT MR DENNETT, i'm not the kind of person to listen in class so i prefer THY MAKE ME WRITE PAGES AND PAGES than drone, becauseeven if i dont listen i have something to STUDY FROM,

zomg =( I FAILED THE HISTORY TEST, pretty much COPIED half of it from viv >> but thena gin everyone copied.






aaaanyway, our VOLLEYBALL owning photois up :D we all are overly happy and smiling :D

yay ! and we're on the v ball site

whoever sad person shoudl goseeit (:

aanyway, i posted teh phto here, the took two but only put one up XD ooohwell.

well, i kinda look like a n00by retard, and i look specially overly happy and teh lighting is very fake and bad, but HEY, tahts my balla t the front :D

i named it WILSON!


either way, this geo asso is also borin me out, whyis it so boring? because i cant findanythign on it even though it's reall easy =( stupid. all the sites on it are for LITTLE KIDDIES, like, ==' so VERY GENERAL.

i just now hope that the person who must not be named and hopefullwont read, will keep his/herpromise

i totally threatened them with my UBERR SEXY EMPTY THREATS BUT HEY they worked ^^

ah, better get going.


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Monday, August 4, 2008 @ 5:00 PM
now it's finally the time to come where i get to rant rant rant on about how gay people are.
i hate secrets, secrets are horrible, why do they exist? but then again, i cant survive without secrets, what's really gay is that people cant keep them.
whats so damn hard?
freaking gaylord. fag faces. BABIES.
maybe thats why this gay person in whom i shall not name but is very obvious who to those that know what i'm talking about, CANT KEEP SECRETS.
it's insane.
he's so immature,
or she.
but wha ti really dont get is taht people CHOOSE to tell people secrets because they trust them. then why cant the people who got told RESPECT the trust?
they know that if they tell then all hope of trust will be gone. this is what friendship is
a relationship built on top of trust.

i dont get it, why he cant understand. he's so gay, he's stopping so many things, and also making others come true, it's PAINFUL for some people you know?
no necessarly me because i'm speeaking to ALL those people no necessarily just this one gay faggot, ALL those people who cant keep a gay secrets coz they're mouths are just too full of themselves and they cant shut it.

haha, that was my slogan for my VD work :D
it was to actually imply jean flys ;)

anwyay, back on track, i hope this person reads and now will understand what pain and frustratin they have caused and hope they they FIANLLY UNDERSTAND the consequences that they have just arised and will apologize and promise they will never do it again, but i highly doubt that because gay faggots dont read blogs.

my fingers are now typing at godspeed though rally godspeed for me isnt' acutally taht fast and tht means alot of typos :S.

hm, at least i'm all out.
damn to all those people who cant keep secrets.
then freaking LEARN TO..

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Sunday, August 3, 2008 @ 1:00 PM
everyone's gone and had a life and i'm stuck at home donig WORK,
zomgsh, WHY.
the STUPID geo assignment, is so LAME,,
and the ENGLISH is LAME.
even VD is getting lame.

i be pissed ah.


die work!
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Friday, August 1, 2008 @ 7:40 PM

it' s a friday and i got to miss school to attend to

the v ball state championships ^^


In the last set we dueced like 4 times, leaving us to 29-27.

:D and and and Maggie served and they missed twice :D

OWNAGE yeah?

hha, well i'm happy i have a medal that says "WINNER" instead of "RUNNERS UP" in which i have like, a whole collection of.

and obviously the gold one is the WINNER one :D

haha, we all went so high, coz we won :P

lols, i even managed to kind of get a blurry version of everyone playing on a senior guy's net. very high =/

we look like noobs (:

well thats it.


i be going to watch a drama now ~


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