Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
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Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Friday, October 31, 2008 @ 9:33 PM
7 spinners and a dog.
today i made 7 spinnners for the science asso, because jen didn't do anything but i have no assigned her to maek 28 counters. (: and it took me all afternoon! and they dont even spin properly coz it's just a paper wiht 6 numbers wiht a piece of string attached to a cardboard rectangle as a spinner.

i made seven

yes i have very very very good spinner-making skills.

also in relation to the second last post before this one, here is the volleyball group pic we took after winning. it almost looks exaclty the same as the one we had last time, it was took in teh same place too @___@

as you can observe, jen is not in uniform this is mainly because she didn't play ! >:( and she scabbed a medal !

cheappoooo. and and and. yeah i look like a retard. and vicki is posing :D so i'm not teh only one looking like a retard !

at least shirley looks man...

yes moving on. My mum jsut came back form the supermarket and she parked inside the garage. but she didnt' come inside, instead she went came up to our front door and rang the bell and started punchign our door. and yelling.

HELP HLEP HELP MEEEEEEEEE!!! i thought it was actually one of those kiddies for treats befor realising it was my mum who was indeed screaming at us to open the door.

you see, the reason why she didn't just come in from the garage was apparnalty because a dog followed her in and shes terrified of dogs. so she was scared if she opened the door the dog would come in the house. so she ran out of the car and raced around with the dog, because she was scared of it biting her that is until i appeared at teh garage door asking.

me : erhh, mum whats wrong??


me: *opens door* here.

mum: *runs in* *grabs broom* *tries to bang the garage door to scare dog out of garage*

nb: not like that worked

in teh end i decided to go out

and i walked otu of garage, like all dogs, dogs and dogs bond :D so me and teh dog bonded:D NO WE DIDN'T HAVE SEX THANKS. hurrumph.

i jsut walked out of garage and it followed me then my mum closed the garage door and at the last minute i dived in and the dog didn't go in =(

poor doggie, i like dogs. i wish i coudl hve a dog. it was like a terrier and it was v. cute.

and i am a dog too, and my dog josh. aand brandon whom i also adopted as a dog. even though i'm his dog too. but yeah, thats the complex family tree of dogs, because i am the second minion of the priestess who owns a dog. yes , it totallymakes sense.

as also i can conclude that most asian mums are terrified of dogs, i dont understand whym, they are so cuuuuute (:


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