Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 @ 1:03 PM
i hope you like the new n00by skin (: because i made it rofl.
yeh =/ i decided the animated GIF was a bit ==' as ting pointed out,
the words moved @____@ which made it uber n00by and i had like 15 billion hours on hand so i had nothign to do so i made a new one :D any normal person would.
but hey. i was drained of ideas =/
it's the second day of the holidays and already its' kind of a disaster. only 8 ppl going on thursday =/
to a PARK. yes a PARK.
miho's very enthrusiated abotu it ==' so she wont stopgoing on abotu it so if we dont go to a PARK, thts like condemning myself anotehr term of LETS GO TO THE PARK =/
that means 7 hours at a park wiht nothign to do. hmm...
and erin and jen sint' going T________T'
neither is vivien
;KLAJDF;KLJAD;FKLJ;EILURNKJ; comeon people its' a PARK. i want to go to a PARK.

btu we could always change our mind and change trains haflway lol xP
aanyway, =/ i dislike engrish.
stupid engrish poets write about mongolian kings. like, THEY'RE ENGLISH.
mongol >>
its' so boring .

holidays are boring unles you're going somehwer like lenny.
who gets to got o dreamworld @_________________@
i want to go to dreamworld.. one day i'll go onthose slime thingies... though i dont think i have the guts to really go on it =/
XD i'm too pansy.

on sunday :D we went to celebrate dad's birthday so first we went to ewood to eat brekkie
and sitting next to our table is lawrence @__@ so i said hi.
then, we went to DFO,and i bumped into yazza. twice. and i said hi, twice.
then i went to this REBEL outlet store and bumped into edmund.. funny because
his naem is edmund chan
and my uncles name is also edmund chan.
.. @___@
and, one time, shirley looked at my mobile contacts and saw "edmund chan"

me: erh, yeah...
Shirley: but he's such a retard..
Me: that's my uncle.
Shirley: Edmund's ur UNCLE?! @____@
Me: no, a different one.
Shirley: oh oh, thank god...

Shirley is my third concubines husband :D
rofl, it makes sense.

later (:
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