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the king!
Runaway Train
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Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 8:18 PM
an overrated prank.
if you guys ever come across something called "Tingbating" please, just ignore it,
because it is just some lame joke made by a sad no-life.. thats right. i dont know who ( or peoples) that started it but it's so slackkk. if you dont know what it is, then dont find out, you know, somehow if this is famous enough it might get added to the Urban Dictionary. it could be like

Tingbating ( Tingbaiting?) Ti-in-g-bay-ting noun.
1) the art of slapping/spanking/pinching/touching/feeling/hitting with a piece of wood Ting's Butt, and to blame it on someone else (namely anon)
2)Just Touching Ting 8-) lols.

and as for that Justin is a very funny name because pretty much any other word that contains " ust" or "in" u can make a nice nickname !
i.e Just Juice, Juice tin, Justing, Adjusting, Rusting, THRUSTING, thrust-in, DISGUSTING.

hilarious (: please if you have any more please donate !
x) hahaha.
as shown in the left side, my cbox, jen has demonstrated that her now current word fad is now
she says it so sarcastically, if you get called "Dweeb" twice a day it actually pisses you off. as well, she sent me a link in which i cannot find right now stating the definition of "Dweeb"
if i remember correctly it was like, the space between a man's penis and his asshole.
or the space between the vagina and asshole... for a woman that is
><" maaaan, it's so jen-liek to call people that.
she stares at you.
waits 2 seconds.
it takes her TWO SECONDS to think about a 5-letter insult. not that i have anythign to say, she did own me in teh NAPLAN, she owned everyone TT^TT
i love you SMART jen ! my wifey !

today after sport, if you weren't part of the massive herd that was marching to and from zac's and li's house then i shall now tell a tale of pure stupidity and stupidity again.
it was after volleyball ( and we won if you wanted to know :D duh.) so we went to li's house like normal.
when me and vicki got there, and rang teh doorbell no-one answered, so we peeked through the window. and saw that belzy's bag and ben's stuff was on the floor so we assumed that they were there even though it was completely dark. we just kinda assumed it was some like miho-joke not to let us in. after waiting/shouting/knocking a bit, this huge stampede of basketballers just ran in shouting
"LIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'S HOUUUUUUUUUUUUUSE" and they stampeded through to the backyard, broke teh lock on teh gate, and started crashing the yard.. befoer runnign back and shouting
well, we all hung outside his house.. until 3, where most of us left ( celia, jess, daniel, lenny, josh). all teh time knowcking and rining his doorbell , shouting for li to let go of such a stupid prank and let us in. of course, daniel claimed that he heard them giggle, and Samuel thought he heard ben shouting..
in the end, only 3 of us remained and we waited till4, after a bit, we all got worried that they all died having sex or something. and didn't want to answer teh door. then we got more serious and thought they had this gang fight and died. all of them knocked out. and then Samuel gave us a lecture on how the hand would break before we got knocked out... ninja much @______@
haha well, by 4, i was slightly pissed that such a prank coudl get out of hand, i was also fascinated by the fact that they could keep ben so food-less, quiet and still for so long ( one and a half hours)
then i went home.

later on i found out that they weren't in teh house at all TT______________TT stupid much?
i was right though, they du mped their bags in teh house and decided they'd walk to stockland mall to get pizza. yes, pizza. and we waited in front of an empty house, shouting at nothing for one and a half hours.. what a waste of time. and to think they were dying from oversex.
but, they have on alibi at least, they said they left a note saying that they've gone to stockland and left i on the doormat, unfortunately before me and vicki arrived it had blowna way.

thus my pm for those who dont understand,
"funny, how the wind blows."

and epic episode ( TAHTS RIGHT, ALLITERATION) of 17th September 2008 where Stephanie got owned by people who wanted pizza.

fun experience x)
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