Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
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Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Sunday, September 7, 2008 @ 8:12 PM
i enjoyed the sun today, and i'm also happy to find that my keyboard isn't lagging !
yesh ^^
and, i have just experienced a very heart-stopping situation where you turn on your computer and you find that ALL YOUR FILES/STUFF/PICTURES/MUSIC is ALL gone, and you're thinking HOLY CRAP, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO.
yes well, that was solved my simply restarting the computer, but you see, i was so thick with confusion and worry i totallyf orgot and jsut started flaming justin and erin. lols, XD i did what they said and it worked =3
so lucky ah, i cant imagine my computer without my files, that means ALL MY PERSONALS ALL GONE.
asian women are so funny , as in the kind that are mothers an immigrated to Australia and still cant speak engrish. i was at tennis, and this reaaally big family was next to us and they spoke canto too, and it's kinda a trait in chinese women to speak REAAAALy loudly so i could hear ALL their conversations. it was kinad annoying mainly because 50% of the time she was scolding like 5 children. but i found out not all of them were hers, thank god. aanyway, they're all little kiddies like five or six years.. and all of them couldnt' really hold a raquet cz they're all so short the raquet kinda drags along the ground, but other than that they BARELy had any rallies, but they jsut ranodmly hit balls at each other.
the mum was like
AIYAH, lei dah out jsou m ho faat pei hei ah !! sou seng !!
translation: aiyah, if you're gonna hit out then dont throw a tantrum!! shut up !!
and 3 of the kids started crying, i was eavvesdropping so much i kept forgetting to watch the ball and nearly got hit in the face TT______TT
but the whole time the woman was bickering with the kids
and once the kid hit the ball to her, and she tried to run back, but her big ass woudln't let her and she fell back onto her bum
" aiyah, ge deii gumm seeen ge.."
translation: " aiyah, the floor is so slippery."
well, duh, maybe because it had rained onto the sand?
hm yes, and surprisingly she was teaching the kids how to hit a ball wiht a raquet. interseting.
but after having an amusing session of seeing kids getting scolded, which kinda reminded me when i started learning tennis, except that i had no asian woman screaming at me.
the hour and a half passed really quckly and we wre gonna leave so we collected all our balls which we had 9 to start wiht and we only found eight.
and we're liek ZOMFG, WHERE'D THE LAST BALL GO. except that all the balls we hit out the fence we went to get so there wasnt' a chance that a ball got outside which only left the option that the next door took our ball and i wouldnt' be surpise.d
i mean,
they're asian too.
and my dad was like ==' nvm it's just a ball, but i woudlnt' let go so i nagged him until he went up to them ( the asian woman ) and told her that she had one of our bals. she was like
liek PSH duh, all ur other balls are like faded greena dn ours is a shiny yellow and for some odd erason you have ONE of those on ur court which JSUT happens to be the same number as our balls.
gosh psh.
in the end she gavde it back with a very srcastic OH I'M SO SORRY.
yes, sorry. dotn we all hear that so much.

and the ball was muddy.
;LAKJDF;ADJFJKAK;JD I DEMAND A NEW ONE. but no, such asian dont do fair deals.
but yes, thats about the highlight of my day, isn' tthat sad?

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the rain. . . . Quote of the day SAD SAD SAD SAD SAD shitheads. sunday. yes state the obvious. flaame i go to school today and i'm bombarded by erin and... d e a d. stupid viruses