Say hup to
the king!
Runaway Train
Chat to me! or die
Steph says hi

Hup means hello and sup. Sup means 'What's up?'. Please, no one say the sky or ceiling or whatever that is physically above you right this very moment unless you have a poo on your head in which case I would be very happy for you. This is Step, I want to make more friends :)

I am kingbecauseyou guys said soand you know how you are.

My Etsy Shop
Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 5:34 PM
the point to where i panic.
yesterday, again, we went to a v ball comp
i suppose you can guess that we won :D first again. however, i always wonder whether you people will ever get annoyed by me telling that we won because i plan to win a lot more in teh future. although even i admit that it wasn't exaclty an epic win coz we only marginally got thru wihtout a deuce. and i hate deuces, it makes me worry so badly...
but never the less we won and a win is still a win no matter how bad the win was. in fact, it was a very very very bad win because the team we were versing , cherry brook, yes once again, only had 5 players.

and we had 6.
it's an absolute failure to come that close to losing to a team wiht 5 players and a noob included. it sucks.
our serves were going down and i shall learn to spike shallow. very shallow. or at least set shallow = ='

however, it was fun and we owned all the other games
in their face ! =]
i even go to overhear one of them say
"okay lets at least get to 10..."

but of course we couldn't be nice, we're asian. (:
also, the cherrybrook team is also asian, and asians knowing asians, they are just as cheap . two of them both pretttty short is born in 1992. while as ME. i am born in 94 =(
how unfair is that !! they should be disqualified as they have 2 MORE YEARS WORTH OF MUSCLE DEVELOPMENT. not that i'mblaming them. i mean. i can tank them anyday :D with my 14 year old developed muscles :D

and even though erin and nicole are 15. but hey, i still rock.
AND AND, they DIDN'T GIVE US MEDALS :O coz coz someone stole them from bob's car. TT____TT
yes , his name is Bob (: and he HAS NO MEDALS FOR US RAWR. so instead he gave us this trophy in which mr drew kept.. that says

2008 school champions

indeed i am proud to say that. oh and he gave us 3 mikasa balls :D i guess thats good, as mr Drew lost 4 to the roof last time...

i have forgotten all else that i needed to say. oh yeah, we went all high and made all these dance videos in which i shall post once shirley gets on teh computer and posts them on facebook :D
hahahah, and we took another photo
in which i shall upload once it is uploaded onto the site (:

melbourne countdown : 2 more weeks. YOSHAAA!!!

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Two out of Five. correction PARAPARA dedicated to my good friend. 7 spinners and a dog. Commerce and a new life. I'M .. I'M... bah. MENERGY CHICKENS. broken. a week of epokphail.